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unsanded edited this page Apr 30, 2014 · 6 revisions

http ssdp upnp and more

NOTE that this is a work in progress, so feel free to use it, but dont start complaining if it doesn't work yet. Also, help is always welcome.

the basic idea of this project is to provide a portable, easy to use library for the most used protocols, and apis on the internet. This of course includes http, which forms a basis for most apis, together with oauth, which is also included. On top of this, apis such as the dropbox api can easily be built.

Ease of use is a main objective in this library. For instance when you want to make a http request, you can do so like

http::Request req("");


The only dependencies are the boost library and libssl ( i would suggest [this site]( this site), if your pc can handle those tremendous requirements ;) ). It is also possible to compile without libssl (then https isn't available of course)


The library is header only, so you don't have to compile the library itself. There is a main.cpp included, which i use only for testing, and it changes now and then, but if you want to compile it (or something else using the library), it goes as follows:

g++ main.cpp -o testprogram -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lboost_filesystem -lpthread -lboost_signals -lboost_iostreams -lssl

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