We are trying to make a simple 2d physics engine. We had a bad programmer take a crack at it and they sort of got it working but it has bugs and no documentation. They are no longer with the company and none of us know how their code works. We would like you to:
- Fix the bugs such that the circles and rectangles draw and move properly. Then make them start moving randomly around the screen.
- Implement the checkCollisions function such that it returns true if any shapes collide with each other and the code stops running
- Add a sentry (feel free to use whatever programmer art you can come up on) that sits in the lower left corner of the screen and aims at the closest shape to the sentry (ie if you make it an arrow, the arrow will always point to the closest shape).
- Add some comments to explain what the heck is going on here
We understand that you probably won't have time to do everything so you have to prioritize what you think would be the best deliverable to wow the client. Feel free to use any external resources you have including google, stack exchange, etc.