Personal Portfolio's Templates for Clients.
Go to aboutme.html page
The title of the page is set to
Home | Portfolio
if you want edit go toline no : 9
→ inside you will find <title> Home | Portfolio </title> change the text inside those tagsex : <title> Portfolio | [Your name] </title>
To Find anything in page use Command
and type text you are searching. -
(line no : 15
)you will redirect to corresponding Div. goto <div> → <p> →Change letter* J to First Character of your name.Same as above goto <p>→ <strong> Change it to your Full Name.
There is nothing to change in
(line no : 33
) there is an img tag inside that div. <img src=" Enter your file location with extension .jpg | .png etc.." /> * -
Search for
class="content reset"
(line no : 37
) by using commandCntrl+F
- Change your current profession inside <p tag. You can also add multiple like <p> Developer | UI / UX Designer </p>
- Enter your Full Name inside <h2> tag
(line no : 40
) inside <a> tag there is a href (attribute) replace your hyperlink ( url of the website ) in place of #- Ex : <a> href="https: //" </a>
- Do same for remaining - Replace those # with corresponding URLs
- Note: Make sure you place proper URL's for corresponding icons you can check it besides, class=" fab fa-LinkedIn-in" which means you should give the URL of the linked-in profile
(line no : 47
)- Replace that Dummy Lorem ipsum text with a Brief intro of yours which
- Find
(line no : 61, 68, 75, 82
), there are multiple instances of class="box" select first one change <h3> inside that class to title of any skill you know and also change <p> to brief about that skill or any specialization etc... - If you want to change the icon beside that text
- Click here type keyword of the icon you are searching for
- Click on Start Using This Icon, copy the text having tag
- Ex : <i> class="fab fa-accessible-icon" </i>
- replace this class with existing <i> tag in class="box" div
- Same goes with all the divs having class="box"
- These
class=" box"
are in order, Make sure you enter the details in proper order.
- Find
class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block"
(line no : 101, 109, 118
) select first one. - inside it there is an <img> tag change its src = "File location of the with extentsion like .jpg | .png etc..."
- Change <h5> to their Name
- Change <p> to the text what they thought of you and your work
- Same goes with all the divs containing
class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block"
- The divs are in order, make sure you arrange them in priority order
- Note : There is an additional tag <h6> which tells what is the current position of the person Recommending, If you wish change it to change it in <h6>
Ex: <h6> SDE at Amazon </h6>
- Find
(line no : 138
) , there is a <ul> tag consisting of some <a> tags with href ="#" change that # with corresponding link ( url )- Ex : <a href=""\><li> Linked IN </li> </a>
- Make sure you replace those URLs by checking names in the <li> tag
- Note: To change copyright year and name, there is an <p> tag with
class=" copyrights"
(line no: 147
) change year and Name.
- Go to resume.html
- Same as above pages change first letter and full Name (
Line no: 16,17
) - Education
- Go to
Line no: 43
replace the years, with your period of study. - Change the text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. with College or University Name
- In
Line no: 45
Change the text within <h3> with Stream of Study- Ex :,, Intermediate, SSC etc...
- In
Line no: 46
change the paragraph with a short description about your experience or any achievements in college. - Same Goes with remaining
- Note: Follow either increasing or decreasing order
- Ex: From 10th to Undergraduate / Postgraduate
- or Undergraduate to 10th but don't skip the years between
- Make sure you enter proper academic years
- Go to
- Experience
- Same as Education, change the contents in Experience
- It Starts from
Line no: 69
- Change the corresponding years, Names of the company you've worked in the past, any experience you want to share regarding those companies or any projects done by you.
- Design Skills
- Tools and Technologies
- Go to
Line no: 105
add technologies within those <span> tags- Ex : <span> Adobe Premiere Pro </span>
- Go to
Line no: 106
rate your knowledge on that particular technology in multiples of 10 and replace percentage within <span> tags- Ex : <span> 70% </span>
- Go to
Line no: 108
add an id beside class="bar-outline" with the percentage you've entered above in words.- Ex : If you have entered 70% then add id="seventy" beside class = "bar-outline"
- In code, it should look like this
- Repeat the same process with the next technologies as well
- If you want to add or delete any extra skills
- This is arranged in blocks which means from
Line No: 103
toLine no: 111
its termed as a block - If you want to add more technologies copy-paste that block of code below (should be above
Line No:130
) - If you want to delete any extra technologies delete that block of code from where it's starting.
- Go to
- Development Knowledge
- Same goes here follow the same procedure as above
- replace skills and change the percentages
- add id with its corresponding percentages
- Adding and Deleting skills will also be the same.
- Tools and Technologies
- Change footer contents in this page too same as aboutme.html file
- Things to Change
- Update your social media links
- Change Copyright year and your name.
- Go to portfolio.html
- Change the first letter of your name and Full Name in
Line no: 16,17
- In
Line No: 61
change the src to file location containing a screenshot of the project- Ex : src = "../images/pic.jpg"
- Note : Make sure you add file extension i.e .jpg | .png etc...
- In
Line No: 72
same as above change the src with other project screenshot location
- Change footer contents in this page too same as aboutme.html file
- Things to Change
- Update your social media links
- Change Copyright year and your name.
- Go to contact.html file
- Find
- In
Line no: 16
change letter J to the first letter of your name - In
Line no: 17
change Jhon Doe to your Full Name - There is nothing to do with
- In
- Find
- In
Line no: 51
Change that dummy text ( Lorem Ipsum ) to your City InLine no: 52
, change the paragraph to a Short description like where you live in the city, any landmark or Pincode, etc...
- In
- Find
- In
Line no: 60
change the text to your E-mail id - In
Line no: 61
give any short info regarding your mail, like when you will check your emails, etc - Ex: Mention if you check your mail only on Saturdays etc...
- In
- Change footer contents in this page too same as aboutme.html file
- Things to Change
- Update your social media links
- Change Copyright year and your name.