npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 📄 deps: 增加react-query请求 (#230) 63d154e @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(template): 修复template登陆密码更新错误 (#231) 0703026 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:修改hooks名 66a52cd @SunLxy
- 📖 doc: update template/README.md. d986bde @github-actions-bot
- 📄 dep: 增加@uiw/react-native-doc & kkt 7d5cdd4 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: update template/README.md. 7f6e99b @github-actions-bot
- 📖 doc: 在线文档预览 cb4b4ab @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/uiwjs/react-native-template 4bafe82 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 deps: update @react-native-community/eslint-config to v3.0.3 51f6dbe @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 增加eslint配置 fe03853 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: React Native 0.70 版本,在iOS模拟器中Open Debugger无法启动 b54e559 @ChenlingasMx
- 📖 doc: 文档增加husky的使用方法 556255c @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix: 增加绝对路径配置 adde3e7 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 deps: 新增babel-plugin-module-resolver":"^4.1.0依赖 882631e @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(uiw/react-native): 版本升级4.0.1和明暗主题适配 (#232) ed4ec0d @panbibi
- 📖 doc: update template/README.md. 251c02b @github-actions-bot