This repository contains the report and R-scripts for a small project conducted in cooperation with the Department of Community Medicine at UiT. The project was part of a special curriculum combining topics from computer science and epidemiology. The aim is to estimate smoking status and some other smoking-related variables for a control group from the NOWAC-cohort.
Report: Smoking Variable Wrangling
The R-scripts in the report are outdated. Some of the reported results and implementation details are outdated as well. You can find the current R-scripts under the src-directory. The main file is main_smoking_status.R.
Just some tips:
- The file main_smoking_status.R is the main file. This is the script you should run.
- Change the line with the path to the data-file in main_smoking_status.R. The original path is in the file, but it is commented out.
- You should probably make sure that the working folder/directory is the same as the scripts.
Note that the data file will not be made publicly available because of privacy.