GeohashKit is a native Swift implementation of the Geohash hashing algorithm. Supporting encode, decode and neighbor search.
The original Swift (v1) implementation is from maximveksler/GeohashKit. The v2 implementation uses a data structure to define the Geohash as a rectangular cell, rather than just a string.
- iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS
- Ubuntu
A Geohash
is a data structure, representing a geohash as a rectangular cell.
let geohash = Geohash(coordinates: (42.6, -5.6), precision: 5)
print(geohash.geohash) // "ezs42"
let geohash = Geohash(geohash: "ezs42")
print(geohash.coordinates) // (latitude: 42.60498046875, longitude: -5.60302734375)
let neighbors = Geohash(geohash: "u000").neighbors // Returns an array of neighbor geohash cells.
print(neighbors.north) // Get the north (top) cell.
print( { $0.geohash }) // ["u001", "u003", "u002", "spbr", "spbp", "ezzz", "gbpb", "gbpc"]
let geohash = Geohash(geohash: "ezs42")
let region: MKCoordinateRegion = geohash.region
I purposely left out a precision enum. I found that explaining the approximate size of the cell at
a given precision was confusing, it is difficult to explain a size without using numbers (case 2500km
is not valid Swift).
Geohashes are rectangular Mercator cells with true size dependent on the latitude, so
defining a case twentyFiveHundredKilometers
is still not necessarily true.
v1 API (maximveksler/GeohashKit compatible)
To use the maximveksler-compatible API, checkout exactly `1.0`:.package(url: "", .exact("1.0"))
Geohash.encode(latitude: 42.6, longitude: -5.6) // "ezs42"
Geohash.encode(latitude: -25.382708, longitude: -49.265506, 12) // "6gkzwgjzn820"
Geohash.decode("ezs42")! // (latitude: 42.60498046875, longitude: -5.60302734375)
Geohash.neighbors("u000")! // ["u001", "u003", "u002", "spbr", "spbp", "ezzz", "gbpb", "gbpc"]
Use Swift Package Manager.
MIT License.