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An NPM package to allow you to use netlify-cms with GitHub authentication when deploying on Vercel.


1. Install the module

# cd into/your/vercel/project
npm install @openlab/vercel-netlify-cms-github

2. Create the auth route

Create a vercel endpoint at api/auth.ts

export { auth as default } from '@openlab/vercel-netlify-cms-github'

3. Create the callback route

Create a vercel endpoint at api/callback.ts

export { callback as default } from '@openlab/vercel-netlify-cms-github'

4. Update your config.yml

Update your config.yml to include this backend

  name: github
  base_url: YOUR_WEBSITE
  auth_endpoint: api/auth
  • repo should be your GitHub repo path, like owner/repo
  • base_url should be the full url to the root of your site, like
  • auth_endpoint needs to be set to link it up correctly, you can't put it in base_url

(optional) Configure vercel.json

If you have your admin files in a folder (e.g. admin/index.html and admin/config.yml) you might want to force vercel to use trailing slashes. This is because if you visit /admin netlify will look for a config at /config.yml, not in the admin folder.

To solve this add (or update) your vercel.json in the project root:

  "trailingSlash": true

5. Commit these endpoints to git

git add api/auth.ts api/callback.ts
git commit -m ":star: add GitHub auth routes and connect to netlify-cms"

6. Create a GitHub OAuth application

Go to

  • Set Homepage URL to your site's homepage
  • Set Authorization callback URL to `https://YOUR_SITE_HERE/api/callback
  • Make a note of your client_id and client_secret

7. Setup Vercel environment variables

Go to your vercel dashboard,

  • Navigate to your project then Settings > Environment Variables
  • Add OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and set the value from the GitHub OAuth application
  • Add OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET and set the value from the GitHub OAuth application
  • You can store them however you like but secrets should be the most secure
  • Make sure your environment variables are exposed on the deployment(s) you need


🎉 Your site should now be linked up!


Environment Variables

In addition to OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, this package also exposes these variables to configure the GitHub authentication. These all have default values configured to talk to

  • OAUTH_HOST (default: The GitHub server to talk to
  • OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH (default: /login/oauth/access_token) The path of the GitHub OAuth token endpoint
  • OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_PATH (default: /login/oauth/authorize) The path of the GitHub OAuth Authorization endpoint

API usage

Other than the Vercel endpoints, these are exported:

  • oauthConfig is an object with configuration for simple-oauth2
  • randomState is a function to generate a random state for an OAuth2 flow
  • renderResponse is a function to generate HTML with client-side JavaScript to complete the OAuth2 flow using window.opener.postMessage

These were primarily exposed for digitalinteraction/netlify-cms-github-auth to use.

This project was set up by puggle