Mac OS X (10.8.x, 10.9.x, 10.x), intel(64bit/32bit) based.
HERE Or you can compile it yourself using Xcode
Just build it, it should work (but let me know if you have an errors or warnings).
List of all contributions.
- Alex Shteinikov
- Anthony Williams
- Chris Faulkner
- Lukas Benes
- Joseph Price
- Olivier Hardy
- Philipp Krenn
- Prof Syd Xu
- Steve Steiner
- Tom Bocklisch
- 魏涛
Please send me a pull request!
To do list
- Create a document editor to edit using an outline view (like the plist editor in Xcode)
- Can copy documents in the Find tab
- Adding support for full screen in a connection window issue #175
- Adding a preference for the default sort order in the Find tab issue #129
- Adding a preference to present keys sorted in the Find tab issue #77
- Display errors from import/export
- Can import more than 200 documents issue #172
- Fix for a crash when the ssh drops issue #171
- New UI to create/drop indexes issue #178
- Removed duplicate collection name when generating displayed query in the find tab pul #184, thanks to Steve Steiner
- Showing dates in the outline view in local time zone issue #174
- Fix to export to mysql
- Can insert multiple documents in the insert tab with [ { document1 }, { document2 }, ... ]
3.1 Beta
3.0.8 - november 5, 2014
- Fixing bugs related to DBRef and $ref issue #148
3.0.7 - november 5, 2014
- Better support for DBRef(), the collection should be an absolute collection issue #148
- Better display of name connections in the main window issue #72
- Reopen the main window when coming back to the application (if closed) issue #76
- Add a dock menu (with all the connections)
- Can use return key to start a search in the find tab issue #100
3.0.6 - october 30, 2014
- Autoreconnect the ssh tunnel when it is down
- Changing the shortcut from ⌘→ and ⌘← to ⌥⌘→ and ⌥⌘← to get next and previous results in the find tab issue #162
- Issue to upgrade from old version (2.3.2) issue #166
3.0.5 - october 23, 2014
- Issue to edit 2 connections, one after the other
- Problem to migrate data store from 2.6.x to 3.0.x issue #153
3.0.4 - october 22, 2014
- Crash in the Monitor Activity issue #155
- Adding Next and Previous buttons issue #149
- Adding auto expand popup button to view results
- Crash closing the connection editor window while it is not a sheet
- Field filter now uses json (example : { field_to_see: 1, field_to_filter_out: 0 }) issue #116
- Don't show twice the collection name in the query (in the update tab) issue #158
- Avoiding a crash on 10.7 issue #157 (I will drop the support of 10.7 soon)
3.0.2 - october 21, 2014
- Adding back the activity monitor (in the toolbar) issue #152
- Display correctly errors (if any) while saving a document
- Fixing few issues while editing the criteria in the remove tab issue #151
- Better support for DBRef
- Problem to autosave the toolbar in the connection window
- Maybe a fix for ssh problems issue #146
- Issue with default filename when doing file export
3.0.1 - october 17, 2014
- Fixing issue with passwords that contain some specific characters issue #147
3.0 - october 17, 2014
- SSL Working
- Fix for a crash when having problem to parse a json issue #125
- Support for functions and scope functions issue #120
- Fix to connect to mongoHQ issue #124
- Better support for primary and secondary in replica set
- Migrate SSH password into the keychain issue #106
- Migrate database password into the keychain issue #106
- Fix for adding a database with more than one server connected (the database was created on all servers)
- Fix for adding a collection with more than one server connected (the collection was created on all servers)
- Adding contextual menu in the main window
- Display glitch fixed in the connection window
- Adding a log window
- Accept connecting to secondary server issue #113
- Can change font and colors in the json editor and font issue #135
- cmd-w should close the current tab issue #119
- Better support for tunneling with replica set/sharding
- Can copy/paste mongodb URI issue #108
- Adding support for timeout parameter in URL
- Update some images to be high resolution issue #54
- Adding contextual menu in the database/collection list
- Can renaming a collection
- Closing tabs when dropping a collection/database
- Nicer update panel issue #142
- Workaround for corrupted bson
- Always check for debug updates on a debug version
- Fixing memory leaks
- A little faster to display a thousand collections in a database
2.7 beta 21 - october 15, 2014
- Workaround for corrupted bson
2.7 beta 20 - october 15, 2014
- Disable the remove operator button when needed
2.7 beta 19 - october 15, 2014
- Adding more update operator in the update tab
- Workaround for corrupted bson
- Always check for debug updates on a debug version
2.7 beta 18 - october 14, 2014
- Fixing memory leaks
- Better UI for dropping collections/databases
- Moving the timeout in the application preference
- Nicer update panel
2.7 beta 17 - october 8, 2014
- Display (in the log window) the correct error number if the connection failed
- Can renaming a collection
- Closing tabs when dropping a collection/database
- Connection issues fixed issue #126
2.7 beta 16 - october 5, 2014
- Adding back the edit icon in the main window
- Adding contextual menu in the database/collection list
- Workaround for connection problem
2.7 beta 15 - october 4, 2014
- Fix for ssl issue #140
- Update some images to be high resolution issue #54
2.7 beta 14 - october 4, 2014
- Fix to display a lot of collections issue #139
2.7 beta 13 - september 29, 2014
- Support for URI pasted in the main window
- Adding support for timeout parameter in URL
2.7 beta 12 - september 2, 2014
- Fix in the close button of a connection window
2.7 beta 11 - september 2, 2014
- Adding a log window
- Accept connecting to secondary server issue #113
- Can change font and colors in the json editor and font issue #135
- cmd-w should close the current tab issue #119
- Better support for tunneling with replica set/sharding
2.7 beta 10 - august 27, 2014
- Display glitch fixed in the connection window
2.7 beta 9 - august 26, 2014
- SSL fix
2.7 beta 8 - august 25, 2014
- Migrate SSH password into the keychain issue #106
- Migrate database password into the keychain issue #106
- Fix for adding a database with more than one server connected (the database was created on all servers)
- Fix for adding a collection with more than one server connected (the collection was created on all servers)
- Adding contextual menu in the main window
- Can copy mongodb URI
- Adding the option for weak SSL certificate
2.7 beta 7 - july 23, 2014
- Fix for a problem to parse json (bug introduced in 2.7)
2.7 beta 6 - july 21, 2014
- SSL was activated for all connections
2.7 beta 5 - july 19, 2014
- Fix for ports higher than 32767 (bug introduced in 2.7)
2.7 beta 4 - july 18, 2014
- SSL Working
2.7 beta 3 - june 13, 2014
- Support for functions and scope functions issue #120
- Fix to connect to mongoHQ issue #124
2.6.2 - june 12, 2014
- Be able to downgrade from 2.7 beta
- Avoid automatic correction from Mac OS X while typing a new document issue #121 (Thanks to Anthony Williams with pull request #122)
- Avoid automatic correction from Mac OS X while typing map/reduce functions
2.7 beta 1 and 2 - june 11, 2014
- Avoid automatic correction from Mac OS X while typing a new document issue #121 (Thanks to Anthony Williams with pull request #122)
- Avoid automatic correction from Mac OS X while typing map/reduce functions
- Better support for primary and secondary
2.6 - april 17, 2014
- Support for tengen json
- Progress bar while importing/exporting to/from file
- A lot of fix to convert dates with milliseconds into json and parse dates with milliseconds
- Using more sheets instead of modal panels
- Few crashes fixed
- More checks to make sure a document is parsed correctly (and therefore there is no modification while converting a document into json and parsing again the json)
- Better support for long integer vs integer
2.6 beta 6 - january 16, 2014
- Using a sheet to remove a connection
- Removing a crash when trying to remove some documents (with the tab)
- Better way to make sure we don't modify a document, and better way to notify it to the user
- Using sheet to add a database or a collection
2.6 beta 5 - december 15, 2013
- Fixing connection icon display at launch
- Json export/import working
- A better test to make sure no data are corrupted while editing a document
2.6 beta 4 - november 21, 2013
- Make sure we don't mixup double and integer type (while editing a document)
- Trying to explain to the user if a document might be changed while editing it
2.6 beta 3 - november 21, 2013
- Correct support for integer and long integer type (no more mix up)
2.5.15 - november 17, 2013
- Removing an assert (while editing a document) with too much false positive
- Connection editor window is displayed as a sheet
- Can duplication a connection issue #75
- Short cut to delete a connection (command-backspace) issue #69
2.5.14 - november 16, 2013
- Using the ssh-agent when having passphrase issue #93 (thanks for Nick Brook's help)
- Fix from a bug introduced in 2.5.13(107), problem to tab away the document outline view to the delete button issue #97
- Better error reporting for find, update or delete (thanks to Johannes Schriewer)
- Fix for database with no name issue #101
- Fix for generating/parsing json with a date with milliseconds issue #102
- Adding a preference panel to choose to get beta version (this will support tengen json)
- Dropping support for Mac OS X 10.6.x
2.5.13(107) - october 19, 2013
- Can type any value without double quote in the search field, it will be replaced by { "_id": "" }
- Adding support for retina display (thanks to Patryk Kasperski)
- Following the strict json for undefined value according to extended json (now, exporting and parsing undefined as { "$undefined": true }
- Fixing a crash when trying to save an invalid json document
2.5.12(106) - september 8, 2013
- New build to fix the font problem in the query window issue #91
2.5.11(105) - september 7, 2013
- Default port was not set (thanks to undancer) issue #89
2.5.10(104) - june 11, 2013
- Problem to convert a double from bson to json and back to bson (bis)
- Adding support to minKey and maxKey (thanks for castiel's help)
2.5.9(103) - june 11, 2013
- Problem to convert a double from bson to json and back to bson
2.5.8(102) - june 11, 2013
- Crash while opening a collection that contains a data (introduced in 2.5.6)
2.5.7(101) - june 6, 2013
- Drop database/collection default action must be "No" issue #65
- New Connection window doesn't use by default issue #60
- Double values are truncated while being edited
2.5.6(100) - may 19, 2013
- Unable to reopen connection window after it is closed issue #63
- Horizontal and vertical paddings between "New connection" button and window border must be equal issue #68
- Binary should be imported and exported as base64 (instead of hexa)
- Accept queries with objectid between double quotes
- Bug fix when the mongo host port was left with the default value (while using ssh tunneling) issue #78
- ssh tunnel is a lot faster to open the connection now
2.5.5(99) - march 3, 2013
- Problem to modify ssh parameters while editing an existing connection (fields were disabled)
- Multi update checkbox added for updates (thanks to Tom Bocklisch)
- Bug fix to export mongo to sql: crash while exporting issue #58
- ObjectId should be in lower case issue #55
- Confirm dialog before connection delete (thanks to falsecz) jeromelebel#57
2.5.4(98) - november 1, 2012
- Fix to display Undefined values issue #49
- Fix to avoid a crasher with disconnecting from a server while using ssh tunneling issue #48
- Use ⌘ to avoid the confirmation panel in the remove tab (either while clicking or pressing the return key)
2.5.3(97) - september 4, 2012
- No more setting for bind address and bind port (bind address is and bind port will be choosen automatically from 40000 or higher) issue #19
- Fix for a crasher when the network goes down issue #42
- Changing from red to green (except for remove) issue #44
- Adding a confirmation dialog correctly when removing all documents issue #33
- Some cleanup for the connection editor, thanks to Alex Shteinikov (idooo)
2.5.2(96) - july 15, 2012
- Fix: Some UTF8 characters became invisible while editing a document
- Fix: Some problems with updating colors while editing
- Open only one document window for each document
- Close all document windows when close a collection
- Fix: Making sure the collection outline selection always match the collection tab selection (to make sure Fred doesn't make any mistake)
- Fix: a blank query will not remove documents anymore. Please use at least '{}'
- Fix: problem to import documents with array in it issue #39
- Adding multiple document selection
- Adding document drag
2.5.1(95) - june 21, 2012
- Fix for issue #36 (open a second time the same database tab)
- Trying to make sure we don't make a mistake between the tab opened and the selection in the database outline view (special for fred)
2.5(94) - may 27, 2012
- Fix for the limit and skip field (limited to 9999) issue #30
- Adding tabs
2.4.19(93) - may 23, 2012
- Trying to keep type (integer and float) the same as much as possible (when editing a document) issue #35
- Crash fixed when opening a collection with documents that has no "_id" and "name" issue #24
2.4.18(92) - may 10, 2012
- Fix crasher when error issue #31
- Fix to use an authenticated database
2.4.17(91) - may 5, 2012
- Fix to parse binary values
- Fix to parse an hash with $type
- Changing "upset" to "upsert"
- Fix from billybobuk to get the database list when having auth
- Adding header in the data outline view
- Fix to add a document with structures inside an array issue #28
2.4.16(90) - jan 29, 2012
- Adding autosave for the connection list window
- Adding back the index icon
- Better error message when not having the authorization to get the server status
- Crash fixed when not having the authorization to get the server status
2.4.15(89) - dec 30, 2011
- Crash fixed when remove all documents : issue #18
- Change minimum size of MainMenu window to avoid display bug (thanks ohardy)
- Bug fixes (thanks ohardy)
- Double click on database name collapse or expand item (thanks ohardy)
2.4.14(88) - dec 23, 2011
- Adding full-screen support (lion only), thanks callumj
- Fix when you don't have the right to get the database list (you need to set the database you want to use in the connection panel)
2.4.13(87) - nov 30, 2011
- Key order is preserved in a document
- Support for UTF-8
- Fix for Mysql import/export
- Support for symbol type
- fix for the UI selection in the connection window
2.4.12(86) - nov 22, 2011
- Problem to update document with boolean values and regexp values
2.4.11(85) - nov 22, 2011
- Toolbar items are enabled/disabled according to the selection
- Connecting to localhost is not an issue anymore
- Bug to parse json with arrays
2.4.10(84) - nov 19, 2011
- Bug to add a new connection
2.4.9(83) - nov 18, 2011
- Changing the NSBundle application id
- Database stats works again
- History combo-box for the criteria
- Fix to use database with an admin user/password
2.4.8(82) - nov 1, 2011
- Problem to display and parse date types
2.4.7(81) - nov 1, 2011
- Connections are sorted after being loaded (still not sorted after being updated)
- Adding short cuts to delete a document or an index (Command+delete)
- Adding tooltips for the buttons with short cuts
- Queries are sorted by default
- Problem to display regex and timestamp values in documents
2.4.6(80) - oct 28, 2011
- Can insert an array of documents
- MapReduce feature working
- Fix for parsing: "$oid":"4E9321AF3768CF514A00000C"}
- Crash when getting stats for some servers
- New outline view for the databases and collections
2.4.5(79) - oct 22, 2011
- Fix to parse { "empty_array": [], "zob": 1}
- Fix to parse { "empty_hash": {}, "zob": 1}
- Implementing reIndex
2.4.4(78) - oct 20, 2011
- Can create indexes with the UI
- Can remove indexes with the UI
- Fix to parse { "_id": { "$oid" : "4E9807F88157F608B4000002" }, "_type": "Activity" }
- Fix to edit a document when "_id" is an objectid
2.4.3(77) - oct 17, 2011
- Fix to parse { "toto" : [ { "1" : 2 }, { "2" : 3 } ] }
- Display errors (if any) when inserting a document
- Display errors (if any) when removing a document
- Fix to remove a document
- Search for updates at each launch
2.4.2(76) - oct 15, 2011
- Crash fixed when using an authenticated database
- Show all the databases when using authentication
- Use "admin" database when there is no database set for the authentication
- Crash fixed when searching for mongo document with "{ "$oid" : "4E40C5111F85DD1BE9FAF825" }"
- Adding the error message when the search criteria is invalid
- Trying to be nice to complete your criteria. To search for an id, you can either type:
- 123
- "abc"
- "$oid" : "123"
- {"$oid" : "123"}
- Adding Command-R in the index view to reload the index list
[Update 2.4.1(75)]
- Can do export and import (mysql)
[Update 2.3.2]
- Fixed a bug in jsoneditor related to Date() object;
- Add import/export to JSON/CSV functions;
- Add support for ssh access use public key;
- Add a function to remove single record in find query window;
- Fixed a bug to create collection in a database which doesn't have collection;
[Update 2.3.1]
- Fixed a bug in jsoneditor related to Date() object;
- Add execution time in find panel;
- Add reconnect support;
- Fixed a bug in remove function.
- Add mongo stat monitor;
- Add replica set connection support;
- Add reconnect support;
- Add an JSON editor for found results with syntax highlight;
- More flexible query style in find window;
- Fixed long long int value overflow;
- Fixed application crash during open/close connection window.
- SSH Tunnel connection support;
- Fixed a bug in display ObjectID type fields;
- Fixed some UI bugs;
- Fixed some memory leaks and random crashes;
- Add confirm panel before drop database or collection;
- Run queries in a seperate thread so that won't block the UI;
- Fixed a bug to install on some 10.6.x(64bit) system.
- Auto expand and collaspe finding results;
- Display Date_t or Timestamp as GMT time format;
- Fixed a bug in display ObjectIds in Array element;
- Import data from mysql database to mongodb;
- Export data from mongodb to mysql database.
- Add support for;
- Changed update behavior;
- Fixed a bug to detect NumberLong type of BSONElement;
- Fixed a bug in Array type of BSONElement.
- Fix several UI bugs in Query Window;
- Fix bugs in Find Query and Update Query;
- Fix bugs related to ObjectId;
- Fix copy&paste bugs.
- Add sparkle framework to check application updates.
- fixed some UI bugs;
- add admin auth support.