What was the problem you were solving in the projects for this course?
In this course we analyzed the best datastructures to implement to handle school courses and their requirements.
How did you approach the problem? Consider why data structures are important to understand.
I approached the problem by looking at the positives and negatives of each datastructure. Without an understanding of datastructures not only will your software be less efficient, but it can also be harder to implement as you will use the wrong tool for the job.
How did you overcome any roadblocks you encountered while going through the activities or project?
Most of the time I took a harder look at my code, and when that didn't work I looked up examples online.
How has your work on this project expanded your approach to designing software and developing programs?
It has made me sure to have better planning in the future.
How has your work on this project evolved the way you write programs that are maintainable, readable, and adaptable?
I will write smaller more testable pieces of code in the future.