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UndercoverCI / coverage failed Dec 12, 2024 in 1m 33s


🚨 UndercoverCI has detected 5 warnings in this changeset.


Revision 31d462d has modified the following 8 code locations. Results marked with ⚠️ have untested lines added or changed in this commit, look into them!

file name coverage branches
app/controllers/application_controller.rb ⚠️ instance method check_cookie 0.0 0/2
app/controllers/checks_controller.rb ⚠️ instance method index 0.0 0/0
app/controllers/checks_controller.rb ⚠️ instance method bounce 0.0 0/0
lib/my_class.rb ⚠️ class MyClass 0.0 0/0
lib/my_class.rb ⚠️ instance method initialize 0.0 0/0
app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController 0.625
app/controllers/checks_controller.rb class ChecksController 0.4286
app/controllers/home_controller.rb instance method index 1.0


Check warning on line 8 in app/controllers/application_controller.rb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@undercoverci undercoverci / coverage

Untested instance method

Instance method `check_cookie` is missing coverage for lines 3..4,7 (node coverage: 0.0).
Missing branch coverage found in line 3.
Raw output
2:   def check_cookie hits: n/a
3:     if params[:x] != ENV.fetch("CODE", "beta") hits: 0 branches: 0/2
4:       redirect_to(bounce_home_index_url) and return hits: 0
5:     end hits: n/a
7:     cookies[:beta_sign_in] = { value: 1, expires: 1.year } hits: 0
8:   end hits: n/a

Check warning on line 6 in app/controllers/checks_controller.rb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@undercoverci undercoverci / coverage

Untested instance method

Instance method `index` is missing coverage for line 5 (node coverage: 0.0).
Raw output
4:   def index hits: n/a
5:     @say = hits: 0
6:   end hits: n/a

Check warning on line 12 in app/controllers/checks_controller.rb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@undercoverci undercoverci / coverage

Untested instance method

Instance method `bounce` is missing coverage for lines 9..11 (node coverage: 0.0).
Raw output
 8:   def bounce hits: n/a
 9:     @foo = "bar" hits: 0
10:     @foo = "baz" hits: 0
11:     @foo = "bob" hits: 0
12:   end hits: n/a

Check warning on line 5 in lib/my_class.rb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@undercoverci undercoverci / coverage

Untested class

Class `MyClass` is missing coverage for line  (node coverage: 0.0).
Raw output
1: class MyClass hits: n/a
2:   def initialize hits: n/a
3:     @my_var = 99 hits: n/a
4:   end hits: n/a
5: end hits: n/a

Check warning on line 4 in lib/my_class.rb

See this annotation in the file changed.

@undercoverci undercoverci / coverage

Untested instance method

Instance method `initialize` is missing coverage for line  (node coverage: 0.0).
Raw output
2:   def initialize hits: n/a
3:     @my_var = 99 hits: n/a
4:   end hits: n/a