Analysis was to determine outcomes based on launch date for the theater category, and outcomes based on goals for plays a subcategory within theater.
The purpose to gage which is the best month to launch, and best monetary goal to have in order to succussed, for a play Kickstarter.
To perform this analysis, I first had to break launch date into years so you can compare year to year data within the theater category. I then created a pivot table to analyze outcomes of successful, failed or canceled kickerstarter campaigns based on their launch date and to show the outcomes visually created a line chart.
Still within the theater category I dug into the plays subcategory to see based on amount of goal how many plays were successful, failed or canceled as the client is looking to launch a play. Then using that data, I then determined the percentage of successful, failed and canceled and to show the analysis visually created another line chart.
Challenges with the data to show accurate successful, failed or canceled in each month for the launch date plot is that there were not an equal number of launches in each month so the data could be skewed by volume. Challenges withing accessing data based on the goal is the coding within the COUNTIFS was cumbersome and easy to create an error by missing a zero or comma, or data point to draw from creating a data set more prone to human error.
Based on the data and chart it appears that May is the best month to launch a kickstrater that would fall under the theater category. June also appears to the next highest high success rate for launching within that category. The data also appears to show that December, followed closely by November, Jan and March, are the worst months to launch a kickstarter within the theater category.
Based on the data campaigns that have a goal of less than $5000 are the most successful, with less than 1000 being slightly more successful than between $1000 and $5000
Not enough data. With the Outcomes based on Launch Date there are not an equal amount of kickstarters launch in each month, so one cannot say for certain if May and June are the best months and that December is the worst month to launch. It is possible May and June have a higher success rate because more people launch campaigns in those months. Within the Outcomes Based on Goals again we do not have an equal number of plays within each goal segment so again we cannot say for certain if less than $5000 is truly the key goal amount to have to increase your odds at a higher success rate this could have more to do with the volume of plays launched with these goals. For example, $35000 to $45000 goals have a 67% success rate according the data collected however only a total of 9 plays were launched with those goals, that is not enough data to say this is a safe goal to start with had goals in that range verse, though the 720 plays seeking less than $5000 does suggest it’s the safer choice because of their higher success rate with a high volume.
With more time to dig in I would create another table/chart to target plays, for example when is the best month to launch a play might appear different than the best month to launch any kickerstarter within the theater category. Also, knowing if there is a correlation between the goal amount and the month launched for successful, failed or canceled plays might be a useful area to dig in further to with a pivot table and chart. It would also be helpful to look at how many backers would be needed to meet that goal. Digging into how many backers and individual pledge amounts a successful plays helps to deterime the pledge to ask for and how many people to seek pledges from. All that together would help to further narrow down the month to launch, the amount to set for the goal, and how best to achieve that goal.