A fast and simple Minecraft server backup thingy.
- Download the latest release
- Make the downloaded binary executable
sudo chmod +x cuprite
If you are on another platform, compile the binary yourself to try it out:
git clone https://github.com/tropicbliss/cuprite
cd cuprite
cargo build --release
Compiling from source requires the latest stable version of Rust. Older Rust versions may be able to compile cuprite
, but they are not guaranteed to keep working.
The binary will be located in target/release
./cuprite -i world plugins -m 128 -o backups -P password -p 25575 -c 3
# server.properties
rcon.password=<your password>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --compression-level <compression-level> Compression level [default: 3]
-i, --input-dirs <input-dirs>... Input directories (directories to backup)
-m, --max-backups <max-backups> Maximum number of backups to keep [default: 128]
-o, --output-dir <output-dir> Output directory
-P, --password <rcon-password> RCON password
-p, --port <rcon-port> RCON port [default: 25575]
It's a good idea to run cuprite
on the terminal first to verify that you have inputted your arguments correctly before attempting to automate your backups with CRON.
- Edit the crontab with
crontab -e
0 * * * * /path/to/cuprite -i minecraft/world minecraft/world_nether minecraft/world_the_end -o minecraft/backups -P password
This software does not provide any warranty with regard to any loss of data.