Build a Spring Boot 2+ Service using Maven that consumes a xml file(see data.xml
) and returns a response containing information about the individual entries in the xml file.
The data.xml
is broken into individual sets of information identified by the </PersAutoPolicyQuoteInqRq>
tag. Assume this solution will be "production ready" and should contain propper logging and test coverage. Keep in mind that xml file sizes may varry so scalability should be considered.
The xpaths to build the responses can be found bellow :
Policy Number - //PolicyNumber
Customer Name - //InsuredOrPrincipal[InsuredOrPrincipalInfo/InsuredOrPrincipalRoleCd='Insured']/GeneralPartyInfo/NameInfo/CommlName/CommercialName
Policy Type - //PersPolicy/LOBCd
Total Premium - //PersPolicy/CurrentTermAmt/Amt
Vehicle Collection - //PersAutoLineBusiness/PersVeh
Driver Collection - //PersAutoLineBusiness/DriverInfo
The response should contain an array of the following information extracted from the file and a count of the number of entries:
"policyNumber": String,
"customerName": String,
"PolicyType": String,
"totalPremium": Float,
"vehichles": [{
"make" : String,
"model": String,
"liscenceNumber": String
"drivers" : [{
"driverName": String,
"age": Integer
Blah Blah