This php script parses J! Archive and converts the clues and answers into a JSON format for use with Troy's Jeopardy Player.
Simply clone the repository and run composer install
. This will require having composer installed on your system.
Edit the file config/config.php
and include the URL of the j-archive game you wish to convert, as well as an array of
player names who will be playing in your match.
Then just run
php parser.php
It will output two files: questions-rd1.json and questions-rd2.json into the output folder. These JSON files will contain all the questions, answers and values.
If you have written your own Jeopardy game in a Google Doc or text document, this software can parse it into JSON for you automatically. Your file should be in the format
Category: Some category
Category: Other Category
Final Category: Final Jeopardy Category Content
Final Clue: Some Clue
Final Answer: Some Answer
The software will then parse this into a game object and automatically assign the proper scores.
You can make any question a Daily Double by prepending "DD: " to the answer text for example.
This is a game hosted by Alex Trebek
DD: Jeopardy
Set the filename in config/config.php
then run php new_parser.php
If a question was not shown on a broadcast, it will appear in the json file as
"clue": null,
"answer": null,
"value": null
J-Archive records the value of a daily double as the amount bet. This script will determine the value that the question would appear as on the board if it was a regular question, and sets that as the value. It will also set a "daily_double" key to true.