A web application that provides a framework for displaying visualizations and data views called "cards". Cards represent a single discrete visualization or data view but share an API and data model.
- git
- MongoDB 2.6+ (install instructions)
- Maven 3 (download)
- Java 8 (jdk)
mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=demo
This will start the application and enable the demo data providers. By default the application uses port 8081 so you can access the login screen at http://localhost:8081. You will still need to configure the application to use the demo data providers. This video shows how to configure the demo data providers. If you didn't catch it during the video the default username and password is admin / admin .
These instructions also assume that you are running MongoDB on the same machine as the dashboard application (i.e., MongoDB is accessible at localhost:27017). If you need to configure the application to connect to a different MongoDB address see the Spring-Boot & MongoDB configuration properties.
Create the following directory structure.
- /opt/od/
- conf
- lib
- logs
- run
- src
- build.sh
- run.sh
Create a user to run the application and make them owner of /opt/od/* directories.
useradd -c "Boot User" boot
chown -R boot:boot /opt/od
This is a one time operation. Note you'll need to update the git command below with your git username.
cd /opt/od/src
git clone https://<!-- your bitbucket username-->@bitbucket.org/unicon/laq-dashboard.git
From the /opt/od directory execute the build script to create the dashboard executable.
cd `dirname $0`
cd src/laq-opendashboard
git pull
mvn -DskipTests=true clean install
cp target/opendash-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../lib/od.jar
From the /opt/od directory execute the run script to start the application. Note you will need to update the script below with the appropriate MongoDB path. The application listens on port 8081.
cd `dirname $0`
case "$1" in
if [ -f $PID_FILE ]; then
exit 1
java \
-Dspring.profiles.active=demo \
-Dlogging.path=/opt/od/logs/ \
-Dspring.data.mongodb.uri=<!-- mongodb uri --> \
-jar $JAR_PATH &
echo $! > $PID_FILE
if [ ! -f $PID_FILE ]; then
exit 1
kill `cat $PID_FILE`
rm -f $PID_FILE
echo "Usage: $0 start|stop"
exit 0
yum update -y
cd /opt/od
rm /opt/od/run/*.pid
rm /opt/od/*.log
rm /opt/od/logs/*.log
su boot -c "sh build.sh"
su boot -c "sh run.sh start"
You can change the default admin username and/or password using the od.admin.user and od.admin.password properties.
mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Dod.admin.user=someOtherUsername -Dod.admin.password=someOtherPassword
ECL (a slightly less permissive Apache2) http://opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0
Send questions or comments to the mailing list: [email protected]