A link block to use as part of other StructBlocks which lets the user choose a link either to a Page, Document, external URL, Email, telephone or anchor within the current page and whether or not they want the link to open in a new window.
It hides the unused fields, making the admin clearer and less cluttered.
Using pip:
$ pip install wagtail-link-block
Edit your Django project's settings module, and add the application to INSTALLED_APPS
# ...
# ...
To use in a block
from wagtail_link_block.blocks import LinkBlock
class MyButton(StructBlock):
text = CharBlock()
link = LinkBlock()
class Meta:
template = "blocks/my_button_block.html"
And create the template blocks/my_button_block.html
<a href="{{ self.link.get_url }}" {% if self.link.new_window %}target="_blank"{% endif %}>
{{ self.text }}