Releases: topheman/d3-react-experiments
Now using webpack 2
You can follow those steps to upgrade a webpack1 react project with hot-reload to webpack2 :
- 8eeb35f upgrade to webpack2
- 8840b67 setup [email protected]
- 82ee9c7 setup eslint latest
- 72efddd automatic code base fix according to new eslint rules eslint-config-airbnb
eslint --fix
- 692de7d manually fix code base according to new eslint rules
- d402bb1 upgrade minor dependencies
- 774b6f3 upgrade
for yarn - d65addd fix
Check the demo here
Read the blog post about Reusability / Composability with D3, React and Victory
Main feature
Victory based chart component that displays the number of downloads per package for the last month (data comming from the npm registry API):
- Dual Y axis with independant scales (to compare main package against others)
- User interractions, managing both mouse and touch events
- Fully responsive chart
- f4b886a add
file - b95948b refactor countries multi select - better UI for removing items
- e037bb8 setup yarn on Travis CI
Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
Made a Victory based version of one the pure d3 based chart components of this project (the TransitionMultiLineChart one).
See the demo directly on the website.
- 641980a prepare files/folders for Victory/TransitionMultiLineChart
- 864607f port transition-multiline-chart to victory
Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.2.0
Add an example using react-faux-dom.
- a69e583 setup a new StaticMultiLine chart using react-faux-dom
- 8f35a00 update routes, links, Home page message
Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
Add home-made, plain d3 code based React component charts managing:
- DOM node reuse
- d3 transitions
- responsive charts
LifeExpectancy as a Higher Order Component to produce components managing all the csv async loading process + CountriesChartPanel embedding coutrry selection and Chart generation delegation.
Changelog: v1.1.1...v2.0.0
- b069e2b upgrade react to v15
- 277bda1 upgrade react-router to latest v2
- 8485890 + 9493f44 upgrade victory pie & bar to latest version (v4)
- 0438427...4cc764d upgrade travis tests + remove npm2 support
Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Same kind of upgrades as [email protected]
Breaking Changes
- Upgraded from Babel v5 to Babel v6
- Dropped react-hot-loader - which is being deprecated in favor of react-transforms
- Setup babel-preset-react-hmre to replace react-hot-loader
- Upgraded development & build workflow (aligned on topheman/webpack-babel-starter)
- Dropped Gulp (now only using npm & webpack)
- Build destination folder is now
is nowLINTER=false
is nowLOCALHOST=false
Changelog: v0.0.1...v1.0.0