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Subreddit Wikis: toolbox

creesch edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 9 revisions


This documentation is a work in progress and may not be accurate.

This page contains a plain JSON object with the following properties:

  • ver - Settings format version. This document describes version 1. Higher values indicate a breaking change to this format.

  • domainTags - An array of objects representing the domain colors for the subreddit. Each object has:

    • name - The domain that the tag applies to, as a string. (e.g. "")
    • color - The color for the tag, in CSS 6-character hex format with a leading #. (e.g. "#0094FF")
  • banMacros - An object defining the defaults for bans made through the mod button on this subreddit. Contains:

    • banNote - The default mod-only note to save with the ban. Accepts placeholders.
    • banMessage - The default message sent to the user when they're banned. Accepts placeholders.
  • removalReasons - An object describing removal reasons configuration for the subreddit. Strings in this section may accept placeholders, which need to be defined here. TODO

    • header - A string applied at the top of removal reason messages. Accepts placeholders.
    • footer - A string applied at the bottom of removal reason messages. Accepts placeholders.
    • pmsubject - A string defining the default subject to use when sending a removal reason as a private message or modmail message. Accepts placeholders.
    • logreason - TODO
    • logsub - A string representing a subreddit name (without the /r/) to log removal reason to.
    • logtitle - TODO
    • bantitle - A string defining the default subject to use when sending a ban message.
    • getfrom - A string to fetch removal reasons from. This will override all other settings.
    • removalOption - Option to suggest removal options to moderators, force options on moderators, or leave up to individual moderator preference
    • typeReply - Option to leave removal message as a comment, pm, both, or send nothing and log the removal
    • typeStickied - Boolean. If true and replying as a comment, sticky the comment
    • typeLockComment - Boolean. If true and replying as a comment, lock the comment
    • typeAsSub - Boolean. If true and replying through PM, send the PM as from the subreddit.
    • autoArchive - Boolean. Automatically archive sent modmail through PM (Only with new modmail)
    • typeLockThread - Boolean. Lock the removed thread.
    • reasons - An array of objects representing the removal reason templates for the subreddit. Each has:
      • title - Title of the removal reason.
      • text - Text content of the removal reason. Accepts placeholders, as well as a subset of HTML which needs to be documented. TODO
      • flairText - Flair text to be applied to posts this reason is used on. Empty string for none.
      • flairCSS - Flair CSS class to be applied to posts this reason is used on. Empty string for none.
      • flairTemplateID - TODO
      • removePosts - If true, the removal reason is applicable to submissions.
      • removeComments - If true, the removal reason is applicable to comments.
  • modMacros - An array of objects representing the mod macros for the subreddit. Each object has:

    • title - Title of the macro.
    • text - Text content of the macro reply left when the macro is used.
    • distinguish - If true, the macro reply is distinguished when the macro is used.
    • ban - If true, the author of the post or comment is banned when the macro is used.
    • mute - If true, the author of the post or comment is muted from modmail when the macro is used.
    • remove - If true, the post or comment is removed when the macro is used.
    • approve - If true, the post or comment is approved when the macro is used.
    • lockthread - If true, the thread is locked when the macro is used.
    • sticky - If true, the thread is stickied when the macro is used.
    • archivemodmail - If true, the new modmail thread is archived when the macro is used.
    • highlightmodmail - If true, the new modmail thread is highlighted when the macro is used.
  • usernoteColors - An array of objects representing the possible types for usernotes in the subreddit. Each object has the following:

    • key - A string used to identify this usernote type internally. Do not change this value when editing the type. Doing so will break associations to existing notes.
    • text - The "title" of the note, describing what the note type represents.
    • color - Any valid CSS color string. The color associated with this note type.

    If this property does not exist, the following should be used as a default:

     	{"key": "gooduser", "color": "green", "text": "Good Contributor"},
     	{"key": "spamwatch", "color": "fuchsia", "text": "Spam Watch"},
     	{"key": "spamwarn", "color": "purple", "text": "Spam Warning"},
     	{"key": "abusewarn", "color": "orange", "text": "Abuse Warning"},
     	{"key": "ban", "color": "red", "text": "Ban"},
     	{"key": "permban", "color": "darkred", "text": "Permanent Ban"},
     	{"key": "botban", "color": "black", "text": "Bot Ban"}

    Note that if the property does exist, this array will not be added to it. Therefore, when creating a usernote type on a subreddit where this key was previously undefined, include this default array and add your new type to it, and when editing one of the default types in the same situation, include all the default entries, not just the ones you edited. For more information about how this is implemented, see the usernotes documentation.

  • Others (TODO)