Welcome to the Jump Start course! (You can find this URL again at: http://tinyurl.com/aa-jump-start)
Before the course starts, you must:
- Complete the ruby codecademy track.
- Set up ruby on Cloud9. (Or on your Mac)
- Install a debugger.
- Read our Intro Doc.
Other than a brief intro lecture on day one, each day will consist of:
- Warm-up (15 min) - working in pairs to solve two short problems and discussing your solutions with another pair in your pod
- Work time (~2 hours) - working through the curriculum, problem sets, and CodeEval with instructors available for one-on-one questions
- Lecture (30 min) - brief talk and/or demo on coding topics, common issues, solutions, etc.
Depending on which pod you are in, lecture may come before or after the warm-up and work time.
Start by going through parts 1-4. Do not do the problem sets until after you're done with part 4.
Once you're done with parts 1-4, work through the problem sets.
Solutions live here. DO NOT look at them until you have tried the problems.
Recommended Checkpoint: complete problem sets 1-5 by day 2 of the second week of the program.
Once you're finished with the problem sets, follow the CodeEval instructions below. Don't worry if you don't get here, we'll all jump on CodeEval together as the course progresses.