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(maybe) fast, parallelized merge algorithm for two sorted sequences (hobby project)

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Attempt to come up with a merge function for merge-sort with very good work and span bounds, without looking at Google.


Following what is typical to divide-and-conquer, if the input is one sequence, we divide it into two halves, process the two halves, then recombine it.

Naturally, if we have two sequences, we might want to do something similar:

However, consider the sequences $\langle 1,3,4,8 \rangle$ and $\langle 2,5,6,7 \rangle$; the above algorithm would tell us to $\mathrm{merge}\left( \left\langle 1,3\right\rangle,\left\langle 2,5\right\rangle\right)$ and $\mathrm{merge}\left( \left\langle 4,8\right\rangle,\left\langle 6,7\right\rangle\right)$, then concatenate the result. We concatenate $\left\langle 1,2,3,5\right\rangle$ to $\left\langle 4,6,7,8\right\rangle$ and get $\left\langle 1,2,3,{\color{red}5},{\color{red}4},6,7,8\right\rangle$.

In general, something like this may happen (in diagram, seq representations are aligned by value, not element number):

Attempt 1: clean split

As the section title suggests, we try to avoid the above scenario by always making clean splits that we know in advance would be safe for concatenation. We pick one sequence and split it by number of elements (i.e. at its median), then split the other sequence by value at the median we just computed.

The problem with this approach is that it takes time to find the position of a value in a sorted sequence. To be exact, we can do this in $O(\lg\left\lvert s\right\rvert)$ by using binary search, or in the same span if we prefer to partition the sequence directly with $\mathrm{filter}$ (albeit incurring $O(\left\lvert s\right\rvert)$ work). Since at each level of recursion we can alternatingly split on the medians of either sequences, ensuring that its size is cut in half, we can achieve logarithmic levels of recursion. But still, the overall span would be $O\left( \lg^2 \left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert + \left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)\right)$.

Attempt 2: repair the middle afterwards

If the middle gets messed up, we can just do merge once more!

The problem is, how do we know this will end at all??

(We also cannot directly check the length of the overlapping middle, because that will require looking up index by value, which is again binary search and alone creates a span of $O(\lg \left\lvert s\right\rvert)$.)

Here's a clever observation: the length of the "middle" in the above blue sequence is upperbounded by the length of its left half; the length of the "middle" of the red sequence is upperbounded by that of its right half. This means that when we do the repair, we can do it on a small region with at most half the size, then splice the result back into our answer.

This gives the following recurrence for the span:

$$ \mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right) = 2\mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert / 2,\left\lvert t\right\rvert / 2\right) + O(1) $$

Unfortunately, this solves to $\mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)=O\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert+\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)$. However, this is a great start! We have eliminated the dependency on binary search.

Attempt 3: repair the middle as we go

Rather than saying the middle gets "messed up", we might as well say it hasn't been affected at all, since it is the overhang that is for sure greater than the max or less than the min of the other half-sequence. For this reason, we might as well (following our diagrams) perform the repair early by merging the left half of the blue sequence and the right half of the red sequence.

This gives the following recurrence for span:

$$ \mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right) = \mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert / 2,\left\lvert t\right\rvert / 2\right) + O(1) $$

which solves to $\mathcal S\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)=O\left( \lg\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert+\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)\right)$.

The remaining problem here is work, which is given by this recurrence instead:

$$ \mathcal W\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right) = 3\mathcal W\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert / 2,\left\lvert t\right\rvert / 2\right) + O(1) $$

which solves to $\mathcal W\left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert,\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)=O\left( \left( \left\lvert s\right\rvert+\left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)^{\lg3}\right)$. Ideally, we don't want to do more work than a linear merge. This is a real bummer. However, I can give you some intuition as to why $O\left( \left( \ldots\right)^{\lg3}\right)$ should be a very loose bound. (I don't have a proof yet for a better bound.)

How do I know where to split the chunks?

Edge cases and base cases

What we have done in Attempt 2 and Attempt 3 assumes that the median of $s$ is between the min and max of $t$, and the median of $t$ is between the min and max of $s$. What do we do when this is not the case?

It's actually simpler, because if you see an entire half of a sequence not overlapping with the other sequence by value, you can make it skip the process, like so:

It only gets simpler when the two sequences themselves don't touch at all.

If one sequence is empty, then why bother!

(please do handle the empty case first, as one of the sequences will not have a median, which is required for many other cases).

How do I know where to split the chunks

Binary search is not an option, but we can let the recursion return and maintain the indices of sequence ends that get "hidden". This is the intuition I start with. And indeed, the "hidden" ends are easy to obtain from the base cases; they're also simple to maintain.

There are, however, two concerns: leakage and ownership switch. Both follow from the fact that real sequences have "gaps" in between adjacent values.


I can think of no super elegant way to prevent this. I could in theory add guard values or something, or I could just duplicate the pivot value, and discard the duplicated copy later.

Ownership switch

(Actually, I only realized this when debugging.)

Ownership switch is a more extreme form of leakage; it happened to me because I was stingy and wouldn't duplicate a pivot that isn't used in concatenation.

Long "gaps" can unexpectedly change the source (owner) of the parts of the sequence coming before the first or after the second "hidden" end. The splice step must assume that these parts have a certain owner, in order to discard the correct parts. But since it clearly expects a certain owner, if we have tracked the owner of the edge parts, and it is not the expected owner, then we can update the "hidden" end so that this part is treated as part of the middle, and the new edge part is empty and with the expected owner.

Alternatively, just duplicate the pivot again (which I didn't do, oops).

Avoiding memory copy (append) in implementation

The naive way of collecting the result is to append the sequences (or flatten, which is a bit better when there are more than two sequences to append together). This, however, incurs a cost of copying memory, since each sequence (at least according to our definition) occupies a contiguous segment of RAM. It is also obviously not efficient to copy overhangs that have been skipped.

From that latter observation, we might want to represent whole slices as a single thing. I'm calling that thing a fragment. Intuitively, we should change our return type to a sequence of fragments. However, this is still problematic in two ways: (1) the fragment sequence itself can grow, and (2) what if the "hidden" ends get caught in the middle of a fragment and become impossible to index?

The second problem is a non-problem, because a "hidden" end comes from the end of an actual sequence, and thus must be at the end of a fragment.

The first problem is a real problem. So what if we periodically combine the fragment sequences by reference, not copying memory, into larger sequences? But hang on, we don't want to deal with indeterminate length and depth at the same time, and recursive types can't be constructed from supplying a type parameter to a non-recursive generic type.

I'll spoil it. Use a tree.

Side note: idk (as I'm currently taking the course) if CMU 15-210 will teach us not to use Seq.flatten to recursively flatten a tree into its inorder traversal. That's wasted memory copy. You should generate size hints at each level, preallocate a contiguous chunk of mutable memory (e.g. 'a option ref Seq.t initialized to NONE), track offsets as you recursively and concurrently go down each chain in the tree, and write to the correct index in the destination memory once you're at a leaf.

As a final note,

Somebody please help me with the analysis of work bounds.

The following is only my intuition as to why the work should be much less than $O\left(\left(\ldots\right)^{\lg3}\right)$.

First, a concrete example: does the median of the left half of blue lie on the left or the right of the pivot of red? Either way, there's an overhang that we can shave off.

What if we deduce over more than two levels of recursion? (Unfortunately, that will be a very mentally taxing path to pursue, so I haven't tried it yet.)

Thinking only in terms of the number of fragments ever generated, for either an overlapping region or an overhanging region; we notice that overhangs turn from input sequence into fragment only by shaving off an entire half of the input sequence. This means that each overhanging region $r_{\rm H}$ can only be split into as many as $\lg \left\lvert r_{\rm H}\right\rvert$ slices. Compare that to an overlapping region $r_{\rm L}$, which can be split into as many as $\left\lvert r_{\rm L}\right\rvert$ slices. The total length of overlapping regions is bounded by the sum of lengths of input sequences, whereas the total length of overhanging regions ever generated is bounded by input length times 1.5 to the power of recursion levels (leaf-level total input length), which evaluates to the $(\lg3)$th power of input length (this may not be exact but it should be polynomial relationship to input length). Taking the log of whatever that polynomial relationship is, we still get constant times log of input length. (How do I know that the overhangs are not generated too lower down that the log estimate no longer applied?) This means the total number of slice-type fragment nodes ever generated from overlap is linear to input length, and that from overhang is negligible. But since every leaf node in recursion generates at least one slice-type fragment node (unless both inputs are empty, which is an unreachable case if parent node (and thus initial) input isn't both empty), the number of leaves is linear to input length. And the depth of recursion is bounded by $\lg\left(\left\lvert s\right\rvert + \left\lvert t\right\rvert\right)$, so the total number of recursion nodes is bounded by length of input.

Does this make sense? Did I solve it? I really want to know.

No I still need to fix one or two things.


(maybe) fast, parallelized merge algorithm for two sorted sequences (hobby project)






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