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ThatChord v2.2.0

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@tomcontileslie tomcontileslie released this 30 Aug 11:32
· 8 commits to master since this release

This is a release which enables fret specification for chord requests using the @ symbol. This allows the user to request that every string in the output chord be either muted or played above a certain requested fret. For example, you can impose that the chord C7 be played above the 3rd fret by typing C7@3 into the prompt. Below is a comparison of the soprano ukulele output for C7 and for C7@3.

$ ThatChord % python3 -f text -o print C7

   | | | O
   | | | |
   | | | |
   | | | |
   | | | |
$ ThatChord % python3 -f text -o print C7@3

   | | | |
   | | | |
   O | O O
   | O | |
   | | | |

The prompt now understands the following formats:

  • Chords of form WX(Y)/Z@V:T where:
    • W is a note, e.g. Db, B# or c
    • X is a chord quality. e.g. sus4, maj7 or M. The quality dictionary is extensive but incomplete.
    • Y is a list of alterations, e.g. b5, ##6 or b5#9.
    • Z is a bass note, same format as X.
    • V is a minimum fret height specification.
    • T is a number. ThatChord returns what it considers to be the Tth best version of the chord.
  • The prompt SETTINGS, which opens the file.
  • The prompt CUSTOM L, where L is a list of notes.