We assume any required software already installed. Otherwise, please go back to this doc
To ensure uniform participants’ local environment, we have provided a dev environment bundled as a Docker container image with pre-installed packages. There are two ways to use the dev environment:
- Using VS Code devcontainer
- Using plain container (docker run)
Beforehand, you need to clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/tokopedia/cp-techworkshop-21 $HOME/cp-techworkshop-21
cd $HOME/cp-techworkshop-21
And then follow one of these method bellow.
- Start VS Code
- Run the
Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container...
command and select the local folder of this project.
- Pull workspace container image
docker pull gcr.io/tkpd-stag-cloud-workshop-27c9/workspace:ubuntu
- Run the container with mount this project directory
docker run -it -v $PWD:/workspace -w=/workspace gcr.io/tkpd-stag-cloud-workshop-27c9/workspace:ubuntu bash
# To attach a new shell into the container:
export CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -q)
docker exec -it "$CONTAINER_ID" /bin/bash
# To detach from the container:
# Hold CTRL key, and then hit 'p' then 'q' (do not release the CTRL key)