Express Todo is a simple todo list web application in ExpressJS with MongoDB storage.
Clone this repo into a local directory. For example:
cd ~
git clone
The remaining instructions will assume you cloned this repo into ~/express-todo/
Mac users installing components via homebrew should run brew update
before continuing.
Go to and install NodeJS.
Mac users may wish to install via homebrew:
brew install node npm
Go to and click "Get MonogoDB" in the upper right:
Select the "Community Server" tab, then download and install MonogDB.
See for detailed installation instructions.
Or, if using homebrew on Mac:
brew install mongodb
Create a data directory for MongoDB. For example:
mkdir -p ~/mongo/db
Start the MongoDB server:
mongod --dbpath <path to data directory>
If you omit the --dbpath
option, the default path is /data/db
Change into the Express Todo directory:
cd ~/express-todo
Install all the NodeJS dependencies:
npm install
Run the app with:
node start.js
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000