This project is a part of the CDK1 Heatwave Group at Data Science FHNW.
The full featured Version is only accessible with a VPN Connection to the FHNW network!
The climate has changed significantly in recent decades. The warming is evident in the increased average temperatures and through heat waves. These are not only occurring more often, but are also becoming more severe. This dashboard shows the evolution of heat waves in Europe since 1979 at the country level down to individual 25 x 25 km fields.
- Data Visualization
- Dashboard development
- GIS data processing
- Python
- PostGres
- Geopandas
- Pandas
- Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
- Raw Data is being kept on an SQL Server at FHNW.
- Docker Scripts and Files are being kept here
- CSS and other assets for the dashboard are being kept here
- shapefiles for the dashboard processing are being kept here
- Prototyping files for the calculation of magnitudes here
- Details for Background information here
- Details for Crop Plots here
- Prototyping files for different Plots here
- SQL Databasescript and Data Model here
- Technical setup drawings here
- Run
- Call
in Browser
- open
cd /your/local/github/repofolder/
pipenv install
- Restart VS Code
- Choose the newly created "KlimachallengeFS22" Virtual Environment python Interpreter
- open
cd /your/local/github/repofolder/
pipenv sync
- Development File to start the dashboard locally
- Development File to start in the virtualised server
- Datapipeline for the Processing of the data for the Database
- Docker compose file for the installation of the docker environment
Daniela Herzig Manjavy Kirupa Thomas Mandelz Patrick Schürmann Jan Zwicky