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My Random Quote Generator

My project was created with Create React App.

Table of Contents


The goal of the project was to build an app that would generate random quotes and allow the user to tweet the quotes.

How to View My App

You can click the following link to view my Random Quote App: Rebel-Cow Random Quote Generator


In addition to building this app using Create React App, this app uses the following library(s):

  • FortAwesome : used for the Twitter icon
  • Google Fonts : Hepta Slab was used for the body font and Mansalva was used for the titles
  • React Bootstrap: to provide styling and position for the app


React Bootstrap and FortAwesome were imported into the QuoteMachine component file.

How I Created My App

I referred to the project's User Story guidelines developed by FreeCodeCamp for their Front End Libraries Certificate. I enjoyed working on this project and learning about the different types of libraries I could use with React. Although the project did not specify including an image, I felt that my Rebel-Cow would be perfect for the app and the quotes.