This repo is a boilerplate for
Vue.js v2
project. You could use it as a base to build your own web app or chrome extension.
Notice: This branch is not only SPA version but also chrome-extension version, you can just run build to build a chrome extension.
- Equip with Vue, TypeScript & ES6 & Babel 6 & Postcss (SCSS, LESS, STYLUS), build with Webpack 4.
- Support hot module replacement, it will hot reload the page when you modified the code.
- Support auto px2rem (default on) and auto px2viewport (default off).
- Lint codes with eslint, stylelint and vuelint, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin.
- Support build a chrome extension, makes chrome extension development much easier.
branch is a pure vue boilerplate without any 3rd-party ui framework.
branch is a vue boilerplate with cube-ui installed.
branch is a vue boilerplate with element-ui installed.
# First, clone this repo.
git clone <yourAppName> && cd <yourAppName>
# Second, change git remote url to your own git repo and push.
git remote set-url origin <yourAppGitRepoUrl> && git push
# If you are in China, you can modify the npm registry for better network speed
npm config set registry
# Then, run start, dependencies will be installed automaticly, and app will be launched.
npm start
With everything in the previous chapter done first, build is very easy to do.
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for development
npm run build:development
Nginx config sample
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
Use extra parameter --build-type="chrome-ext"
npm start -- --build-type="chrome-ext"
npm run build -- --build-type="chrome-ext"
Start project
npm start
Quit all your Chrome instances, then start Chrome with web security disabled.
For OSX:
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
Run npm run build:chrome-ext
, then you can load unpacked extension in chrome and select folder dist
. You just need to packaging this folder and publish it to Chrome web store.