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Lustre Input

Lustre is a functional, synchronous dataflow language. Kind 2 supports most of the Lustre V4 syntax and some elements of Lustre V6. See the file examples/syntax-test.lus for examples of all supported language constructs.

Properties and top-level node

To specify a property to verify in a Lustre node, add the following annotation in the body (i.e. between keywords let and tel) of the node:

--%PROPERTY ["<name>"] <bool_expr> ;

or, use a check statement:

check ["<name>"] <bool_expr> ;

where <name> is an identifier for the property and <bool_expr> is a Boolean Lustre expression.

Without modular reasoning active, Kind 2 only analyzes the properties of what it calls the top node. By default, the top node is the last node in the file. To force a node to be the top node, add

--%MAIN ;

to the body of that node.

You can also specify the top node in the command line arguments, with

kind2 --lustre_main <node_name> ...


The following example declares two nodes greycounter and intcounter, as well as an observer node top that calls these nodes and verifies that their outputs are the same. The node top is annotated with --%MAIN ; which makes it the top node (redundant here because it is the last node). The line --%PROPERTY OK; means we want to verify that the Boolean stream OK is always true.

node greycounter (reset: bool) returns (out: bool);
var a, b: bool;
  a = false -> (not reset and not pre b);
  b = false -> (not reset and pre a);
  out = a and b;


node intcounter (reset: bool; const max: int) returns (out: bool);
var t: int;
  t = 0 -> if reset or pre t = max then 0 else pre t + 1;
  out = t = 2;


node top (reset: bool) returns (OK: bool);
var b, d: bool;
  b = greycounter(reset);
  d = intcounter(reset, 3);
  OK = b = d;

  --%MAIN ;



Kind 2 produces the following on standard output when run with the default options (kind2 <file_name.lus>):

kind2 v0.8.0

<Success> Property OK is valid by inductive step after 0.182s.

status of trans sys

OK: valid

We can see here that the property OK has been proven valid for the system (by k-induction).


A contract (A,G,M)for a node is a set of assumptions A, a set of guarantees G, and a set of modes M. The semantics of contracts is given in the :ref:`9_other/2_contract_semantics` section, here we focus on the input format for contracts. Contracts are specified either locally, using the inline syntax, or externally in a contract node. Both the local and external syntax have a body composed of items, each of which define

  • a ghost variable / constant,
  • an assumption,
  • a guarantee,
  • a mode, or
  • an import of a contract node.

They are presented in detail below, after the discussion on local and external syntaxes.

Inline syntax

A local contract is a special comment between the signature of the node

node <id> (...) returns (...) ;

and its body. That is, between the ; of the node signature and the let opening its body.

A local contract is a special block comment of the form




External syntax

A contract node is very similar to a traditional lustre node. The two differences are that

  • it starts with contract instead of node, and
  • its body can only mention contract items.

A contract node thus has form

contract <id> (<in_params>) returns (<out_params>) ;

To use a contract node one needs to import it through an inline contract. See the next section for more details.

Contract items and restrictions

Ghost variables and constants

A ghost variable (constant) is a stream that is local to the contract. That is, it is not accessible from the body of the node specified. Ghost variables (constants) are defined with the var (const) keyword. Kind 2 performs type inference for constants so in most cases type annotations are not necessary.

The general syntax is

const <id> [: <type>] = <expr> ;
var   <id>  : <type>  = <expr> ;

For instance:

const max = 42 ;
var ghost_stream: real = if input > max then max else input ;


An assumption over a node n is a constraint one must respect in order to use n legally. It cannot mention the outputs of n in the current state, but referring to outputs under a pre is fine.

The idea is that it does not make sense to ask the caller to respect some constraints over the outputs of n, as the caller has no control over them other than the inputs it feeds n with. The assumption may however depend on previous values of the outputs produced by n.

Assumptions are given with the assume keyword, followed by any legal Boolean expression:

assume <expr> ;


Unlike assumptions, guarantees do not have any restrictions on the streams they can mention. They typically mention the outputs in the current state since they express the behavior of the node they specified under the assumptions of this node.

Guarantees are given with the guarantee keyword, followed by any legal Boolean expression:

guarantee <expr> ;


A mode (R,E) is a set of requires R and a set of ensures E. Requires have the same restrictions as assumptions: they cannot mention outputs of the node they specify in the current state. Ensures, like guarantees, have no restriction.

Modes are named to ease traceability and improve feedback. The general syntax is

mode <id> (
  [require <expr> ;]*
  [ensure  <expr> ;]*
) ;

For instance:

mode engaging (
  require true -> not pre engage_input ;
  require engage_input ;
  -- No ensure, same as `ensure true ;`.
) ;
mode engaged (
  require engage_input ;
  require false -> pre engage_input ;
  ensure  output <= upper_bound ;
  ensure  lower_bound <= output ;
) ;


A contract import merges the current contract with the one imported. That is, if the current contract is (A,G,M) and we import (A',G',M'), the resulting contract is (A U A', G U G', M U M') where U is set union.

When importing a contract, it is necessary to specify how the instantiation of the contract is performed. This defines a mapping from the input (output) formal parameters to the actual ones of the import.

When importing contract c in the contract of node n, it is illegal to mention an output of n in the actual input parameters of the import of c. The reason is that the distinction between inputs and outputs lets Kind 2 check that the assumptions and mode requirements make sense, i.e. do not mention outputs of n in the current state.

The general syntax is

import <id> ( <expr>,* ) returns ( <expr>,* ) ;

For instance:

contract spec (engage, disengage: bool) returns (engaged: bool) ;
let ... tel

node my_node (
  -- Flags are "signals" here, but `bool`s in the contract.
  engage, disengage: real
) returns (
  engaged: real
) ;
  var bool_eng: bool = engage <> 0.0 ;
  var bool_dis: bool = disengage <> 0.0 ;
  var bool_enged: bool = engaged <> 0.0 ;

  var never_triggered: bool = (
    not bool_eng -> not bool_eng and pre never_triggered
  ) ;

  assume not (bool_eng and bool_dis) ;
  guarantee true -> (
    (not engage and not pre bool_eng) => not engaged
  ) ;

  mode init (
    require never_triggered ;
    ensure not bool_enged ;
  ) ;

  import spec (bool_eng, bool_dis) returns (bool_enged) ;
let ... tel

Mode references

Once a mode has been defined it is possible to refer to it with


where <mode_id> is the name of the mode, and <scope> is the path to the mode in terms of contract imports.

In the example from the previous section for instance, say contract spec has a mode m. The inline contract of my_node can refer to it by


To refer to the init mode:


A mode reference is syntactic sugar for the requires of the mode in question. So if mode m is

mode m (
  require <r_1> ;
  require <r_2> ;
  require <r_n> ; -- Last require.
) ;

then ::<path>::m is exactly the same as

(<r_1> and <r_1> and ... and <r_n>)

N.B.: a mode reference

  • is a Lustre expression of type bool just like any other Boolean expression. It can appear under a pre, be used in a node call or a contract import, etc.
  • is only legal after the mode item itself. That is, no forward/self-references are allowed.

An interesting use-case for mode references is that of checking properties over the specification itself. One may want to do so to make sure the specification behaves as intended. For instance

mode m1 (...) ;
mode m2 (...) ;
mode m3 (...) ;

guarantee true -> ( -- `m3` cannot succeed to `m1`.
  (pre ::m1) => not ::m3
) ;
guarantee true -> ( -- `m1`, `m2` and `m3` are exclusive.
  not (::m1 and ::m2 and ::m3)
) ;

Merge, When, Activate and Restart

Note: the first few examples of this section illustrating (unsafe) uses of when and activate are not legal in Kind 2. They aim at introducing the semantics of lustre clocks. As discussed below, they are only legal when used inside a merge, hence making them safe clock-wise.

Also, activate and restart are actually not a legal Lustre v6 operator. They are however legal in Scade 6.

A merge is an operator combining several streams defined on complementary clocks. There is two ways to define a stream on a clock. First, by wrapping its definition inside a when.

node example (in: int) returns (out: int) ;
var in_pos: bool ; x: int ;
  in_pos = x >= 0 ;
  x = in when in_pos ;

Here, x is only defined when in_pos, its clock, is true. That is, a trace of execution of example sliced to x could be

step in in_pos x
0 3 true 3
1 -2 false //
2 -1 false //
3 7 true 7
4 -42 true //

where // indicates that x undefined.

The second way to define a stream on a clock is to wrap a node call with the activate keyword. The syntax for this is

(activate <node_name> every <clock>)(<input_1>, <input_2>, ...)

For example, consider the following node:

node sum_ge_10 (in: int) returns (out: bool) ;
var sum: int ;
  sum = in + (0 -> pre sum) ;
  out = sum >= 10 ;

Say now we call this node as follows:

node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var tmp, in_pos: bool ;
  in_pos = in >= 0 ;
  tmp = (activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;

That is, we want sum_ge_10(in) to tick iff in is positive. Here is an example trace of example sliced to tmp; notice how the internal state of sub (i.e. pre sub.sum) is maintained so that it does refer to the value of sub.sum at the last clock tick of the ``activate``:

step in in_pos tmp pre sub.sum sub.sum
0 3 true false 3 nil 3
1 2 true false 2 3 5
2 -1 false nil nil 5 nil
3 2 true false 2 5 7
4 -7 false nil nil 7 nil
5 35 true true 35 7 42
6 -2 false nil nil 42 nil

Now, as mentioned above the merge operator combines two streams defined on complimentary clocks. The syntax of merge is:

merge( <clock> ; <e_1> ; <e_2> )

where e_1 and e_2 are streams defined on <clock> and not <clock> respectively, or on not <clock> and <clock> respectively.

Building on the previous example, say add two new streams pre_tmp and safe_tmp:

node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var tmp, in_pos, pre_tmp, safe_tmp: bool ;
  in_pos = in >= 0 ;
  tmp = (activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;
  pre_tmp = false -> pre safe_tmp  ;
  safe_tmp = merge( in_pos ; tmp ; pre_tmp when not in_pos ) ;

That is, safe_tmp is the value of tmp whenever it is defined, otherwise it is the previous value of safe_tmp if any, and false otherwise. The execution trace given above becomes

step in in_pos tmp pre_tmp safe_tmp
0 3 true false false false
1 2 true false false false
2 -1 false nil false false
3 2 true false false false
4 -7 false nil false false
5 35 true true false true
6 -2 false nil true true

Just like with uninitialized pres, if not careful one can easily end up manipulating undefined streams. Kind 2 forces good practice by allowing when and activate ... every expressions only inside a merge. All the examples of this section above this point are thus invalid from Kind 2's point of view.

Rewriting them as valid Kind 2 input is not difficult however. Here is a legal version of the last example:

node example (in: int) returns (...) ;
var in_pos, pre_tmp, safe_tmp: bool ;
  in_pos = in >= 0 ;
  pre_tmp = false -> pre safe_tmp  ;
  safe_tmp = merge(
    in_pos ;
    (activate sum_ge_10 every in_pos)(in) ;
    pre_tmp when not in_pos
  ) ;

Kind 2 supports resetting the internal state of a node to its initial state by using the construct restart/every. Writing

(restart n every c)(x1, ..., xn)

makes a call to the node n with arguments x1, ..., xn and every time the Boolean stream c is true, the internal state of the node is reset to its initial value.

In the example below, the node top makes a call to counter (which is an integer counter modulo a constant max) which is reset every time the input stream reset is true.

node counter (const max: int) returns (t: int);
  t = 0 -> if pre t = max then 0 else pre t + 1;

node top (reset: bool) returns (c: int);
  c = (restart counter every reset)(3);

A trace of execution for the node top could be:

step reset c
0 false 0
1 false 1
2 false 2
3 false 3
4 true 0
5 false 1
6 false 2
7 true 0
8 true 0
9 false 1
Note: This construction can be encoded in traditional Lustre by having a Boolean input for the reset stream for each node. However providing a built-in way to do it facilitates the modeling of complex control systems.

Restart and activate can also be combined in the following way:

(activate (restart n every r) every c)(a1, ..., an)
(activate n every c restart every r)(a1, ..., an)

These two calls are the same (the second one is just syntactic sugar). The (instance of the) node n is restarted whenever r is true and the resulting call is activated when the clock c is true. Notice that the restart clock r is also sampled by c in this call.

Enumerated data types in Lustre

type t = enum { A, B, C };
node n (x : enum { C1, C2 }, ...) ...

Enumerated datatypes are encoded as subranges so that solvers handle arithmetic constraints only. This also allows to use the already present quantifier instantiation techniques in Kind 2.

N-way merge

As in Lustre V6, merges can also be performed on a clock of a user defined enumerated datatype.

merge c
 (A -> x when A(c))
 (B -> w + 1 when B(c));

Arguments of merge have to be sampled with the correct clock. Clock expressions for merge can be just a clock identifier or its negation or A(c) which is a stream that is true whenever c = A.

Merging on a Boolean clock can be done with two equivalent syntaxes:

merge(c; a when c; b when not c);

merge c
  (true -> a when c)
  (false -> b when not c);

Partially defined nodes

Kind 2 allows nodes to define their outputs only partially. For instance, the node

node count (trigger: bool) returns (count: int ; error: bool) ;
  var once: bool = trigger or (false -> pre once) ;
  guarantee count >= 0 ;
  mode still_zero (
    require not once ;
    ensure count = 0 ;
  ) ;
  mode gt (
    require not ::still_zero ;
    ensure count > 0 ;
  ) ;
  count = (if trigger then 1 else 0) + (0 -> pre count) ;

can be analyzed: first for mode exhaustiveness, and the body is checked against its contract, although it is only partially defined. Here, both will succeed.

The imported keyword

Nodes (and functions, see below) can be declared imported. This means that the node does not have a body (let ... tel). In a Lustre compiler, this is usually used to encode a C function or more generally a call to an external library.

node imported no_body (inputs: ...) returns (outputs: ...) ;

In Kind 2, this means that the node is always abstract in the contract sense. It can never be refined, and is always abstracted by its contract. If none is given, then the implicit (rather weak) contract

  assume true ;
  guarantee true ;

is used.

In a modular analysis, imported nodes will not be analyzed, although if their contract has modes they will be checked for exhaustiveness, consistently with the usual Kind 2 contract workflow.

Partially defined nodes VS imported

Kind 2 allows partially defined nodes, that is nodes in which some streams do not have a definition. At first glance, it might seem like a node with no definitions at all (with an empty body) is the same as an imported node.

It is not the case. A partially defined node still has a (potentially empty) body which can be analyzed. The fact that it is not completely defined does not change this fact. If a partially defined node is at the top level, or is in the cone of influence of the top node in a modular analysis, then it's body will be analyzed.

An imported node on the other hand explicitly does not have a body. Its non-existent body will thus never be analyzed.


Kind 2 supports the function keyword which is used just like the node one but has slightly different semantics. Like the name suggests, the output(s) of a function should be a non-temporal combination of its inputs. That is, a function cannot the ->, pre, merge, when, condact, or activate operators. A function is also not allowed to call a node, only other functions. In Lustre terms, functions are stateless.

In Kind 2, these retrictions extend to the contract attached to the function, if any. Note that besides the ones mentioned here, no additional restrictions are enforced on functions compared to nodes.


Functions are interesting in the model-checking context of Kind 2 mainly as a mean to make an abstraction more precise. A realistic use-case is when one wants to abstract non-linear expressions. While the simple expression x*y seems harmless, at SMT-level it means bringing in the theory of non-linear arithmetic.

Non-linear arithmetic has a huge impact not only on the performances of the underlying SMT solvers, but also on the SMT-level features Kind 2 can use (not to mention undecidability). Typically, non-lineary arithmetic tends to prevent Kind 2 from performing satisfiability checks with assumptions, a feature it heavily relies on.

The bottom line is that as soon as some non-linear expression appear, Kind 2 will most likely fail to analyze most non-trivial systems because the underlying solver will simply give up.

Hence, it is usually extremely rewarding to abstract non-linear expressions away in a separate function equipped with a contract. The contract would be a linear abstraction of the non-linear expression that is precise enough to prove the system using correct. That way, a compositional analysis would i) verify the abstraction is correct and ii) analyze the rest of the system using this abstraction, thus making the analysis a linear one.

Using a function instead of a node simply results in a better abstraction. Kind 2 will encode, at SMT-level, that the outputs of this component depend on the current version of its inputs only, not on its previous values.

Hierarchical Automata

Experimental feature

Kind 2 supports both the syntax used in LustreC and a subset of the one used in Scade 6.

node n (i1, ..., in : ...) returns (o1, ..., on : ...);

   automaton automaton_name

     initial state S1:
       unless if c restart Si elsif c' resume Sj else restart Sk end;
       var v : ...;
          v = ...;
          o1 = i1 -> last o2 + 1;
          o2 = 99;
       until c restart S2;

     state S2:
   returns o1, o2;

   o3 = something () ...;

An automaton is declared inside a node (there can be several) and can be anonymous. Automata can be nested, i.e. an automaton can contain other automata in some of its states bodies. This effectively allows to describe hierarchical state machines. An automaton is defined by its list of states and a returns statement that specifies which variables (locals or output) are defined by the automaton.

The set of returned streams can be inferred by writing returns ..;. One can also simply omit the returns statement which will have the same effect.

States (much like regular nodes) do not need to give equations that define all their outputs (but they do for their local variables). If defined streams are different between the states of the automaton, then the set considered will be their union and states that do not define all the inferred streams will be considered underconstrained.

Each state has a name and one of them can be declared initial (if no initial state is specified, the first one is considered initial). They can have local variables (to the state). The body of the state contains Lustre equations (or assertions) and can use the operator last. In contrast to pre x which is the value of the stream x the last time the state was in the declared state, last x (or the Scade 6 syntax last 'x) is the previous value of the stream x on the base clock. This construct is useful for communicating information between states.

States can have a strong transition (declared with unless) placed before the body and a weak transition placed after the body. The unless transition is taken when entering the state, whereas the until transition is evaluated after execution of the body of the state. If none are applicable then the automaton remains in the same state. These transitions express conditions to change states following a branching pattern. Following are examples of legal branching patterns (c* are Lustre Boolean expressions):

c restart S
if c1 restart S1
elsif c2 restart S2
elsif c3 restart S3
if c1
  if c2 restart S2
  else if c3 resume S1
elsif c3 resume S3
else restart S0

Targets are of the form restart State_name or resume State_name. When transiting to a state with restart, the internal state of the state is rested to its initial value. On the contrary when transiting with resume, execution in the state resumes to where it was when the state was last executed.

In counter-examples, we show the value of additional internal state information for each automaton: state is a stream that denotes the state in which the automaton is and restart indicates if the state in which the automaton is was restarted in the current instant.

The internal state of an automaton state is also represented in counter-example traces, separately. States and subsequent streams are sampled with the clock state, i.e. values of streams are shown only when the automaton is in the corresponding state.