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Releases: timwis/jkan


30 Mar 11:28
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The biggest difference you'll see in Version 2.0 is that we've replaced the built-in editing UI with Decap CMS (formerly known as Netlify CMS), a drop-in content management system for static sites. Doing so has allowed us to trim the JKAN codebase quite considerably (we've removed the vast majority of the JavaScript). As always, using the editor is optional. You can read about the options for using it in docs/ Big thanks to the great contributions from our pals at Azavea/Element 84, @BryanQuigley, @lukemckinstry, and @lydiascarf! And to @dracos for a contribution from several years ago that we've finally merged!

Breaking changes

  • Upgraded ruby version to 3.1.2, and upgrade ruby and JavaScript dependencies to recent versions
  • Replaced built-in editing UI with Decap CMS (formerly known as Netlify CMS)
  • Restructured licenses.yml for compatibility with Decap CMS. As a result, is now
  • Split categories.yml into collection (directory of files). As a result, is now site.dataset_categories.
  • Added out-of-the-box config for hosting on Netlify
  • Added GitHub Actions workflow for publishing to GitHub Pages
  • Removed default baseurl setting from _config.yml
  • Switched to parcel for JavaScript bundling instead of Webpack
  • Upgraded to Bootstrap v5, which means bootswatch themes no longer work

Non-breaking changes

  • Added support for uploading category and organization images
  • Ensured the site works without JavaScript
  • Added a /categories/ index page and a page per category
  • Added a homepage hero image


  • We now recommend hosting JKAN on Netlify, but still support GitHub Pages and other static hosting providers.
  • If you use GitHub Pages, you'll need to switch on GitHub Actions in your repository to replace the legacy publishing workflow.


04 Oct 14:28
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Important hotfix

The latest version of Jekyll introduced themes, and apparently reserved the property theme in _config.yml. GitHub pages upgraded the version of Jekyll it uses to this version, and as a result, all JKAN builds were failing because JKAN uses the theme property internally. @patcon reported this issue and this patch fixes it.

Please upgrade immediately by going to the Maintenance section of Administration in your JKAN site. Until you upgrade, your JKAN site will still work, but editing content will not regenerate the site.


  • Rename theme to jkan_theme in _config.yml to fix build issues caused by GitHub Pages (#127)


29 Jul 12:25
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24 Jun 17:01
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Patches and bug fixes

  • Added a version number to github-api JavaScript dependency (^0.11.2)


24 Apr 17:25
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Thanks to the feedback, suggestions, and code contributions of folks like @pezholio, @JJediny, @waldoj, @mheadd, @iltempe, @patcon, @marks, @Floppy, @rgrp, and @chrismetcalf, JKAN is ready for production use.

Features (since v1.0.0-rc2)

  • Datasets have licenses, which can be configured in the admin section #81 (Thanks @pezholio!)

Patches and Bug Fixes

  • Polyfilled ES2015 features for IE11 support #108
  • Get rid of that pesky "Fork Me on GitHub" banner

Categories on homepage and theme support

17 Apr 16:25
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This is another release candidate for v1.0.0


  • Categories can have logos and be featured on the homepage #97
  • Theme support for 15 bootswatch themes #98


  • Fixed broken X dataset links on /organizations/ page #92
  • Fixed bug that showed an empty logo for an organization if it didn't have one set
  • Fixed bug that caused an organization page to show all datasets instead of just those within that organization #96

Release Candidate

14 Apr 10:15
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Release Candidate Pre-release

This release marks a release candidate for v1.0.0. The question to ask before declaring it v1.0.0 is whether JKAN is production-ready. Please join the discussion and give your thoughts in #91.


Check collaborator status, analytics, social, modify organizations

11 Apr 13:54
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  • Hide add, edit, administration links by default unless user is logged in and has collaborator access. Logged in users without collaborator access will be shown a warning. (#67)
  • Google analytics tag support (#46) (Thanks @JJediny!)
  • Digital analytics program support (Thanks @JJediny!)
  • Open graph & twitter card support (Thanks @JJediny!)
  • support (Thanks @JJediny!)
  • Add/edit Organizations (#26)
  • Basic DCAT support on dataset pages (Thanks @pezholio!) #75
  • Add upgrade button to admin page (#51)


  • Hide Show X more item on categories/organizations lists when X is 0
  • Wrapped organization on dataset page inside a panel (Thanks @JJediny!)
  • npm run watch rebuilds javascript directly into _site/ directory to skip jekyll's copying

And our shiny new logo, thanks to @JJediny

jkan logo

Schema customization

03 Apr 21:43
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Schema customization Pre-release



  • Additional Info section on dataset page uses a <table>
  • Resources have collapsable Details section if there are fields in the schema beyond the system fields


28 Mar 11:36
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CRUD Pre-release


  • Add datasets
  • Delete datasets


  • Remove repository_owner/repository_name from config in favor of github-pages-provided values