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This repository contains the implementation of a marketplace in Solidity (Ethereum). Final project for ConsenSys Developer Bootcamp.

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Solidity Marketplace

This repository contains the implementation of a marketplace in Solidity. It is the final project for the ConsenSys Developer Bootcamp.

Running the Project


To run this project, you will need the following:

  • Truffle (npm install -g truffle)
  • Ganache CLI (npm install -g ganache-cli)
    • You can also use the Ganache Application
  • MetaMask

Getting Stared

After cloning this repository, open two terminal windows and cd into the top-level directory of this project. In the first terminal window, run ganache-cli to start your local blockchain. Copy the mnemonic phrase (12 words) to your clipboard.

In the second terminal window, run truffle migrate to deploy your contracts on your local blockchain. Once the migration is complete, run npm run dev for the application to start. A window should automatically open to localhost:3000. If not, open your browser which uses MetaMask and enter localhost:3000 as the URL.

Open the MetaMask extension, Log Out of your current account (if your current account is on the main net, be sure to save your mnemonic/passphrase somewhere!), and then click "Restore from seed phrase". Paste the seed phrase you have copied from the ganache-cli terminal window and set a temporary password.

Once logged into your account, choose Custom RPC as your network and in the New RPC URL form, copy/paste the IP address from the which the ganache-cli terminal is Listening on (it is likely and you will need to scroll up in your terminal window to when you started ganache-cli to see it).

After this, you should be able to use MetaMask to interact with the application. If you are logged in properly and on the right network, you will see the Administrator View once MetaMask is configured, after refreshing the page.


To run the tests, from the main directory of the project, run truffle develop. Then, from the console, run test. You can also run these tests against a Ganache blockchain by opening a first terminal window and running ganache-cli and then, from a second terminal window, truffle test. Both commands have to be run from the top level directory for this project.

All tests should pass, but tests that involve buying products sometimes fail because of rounding errors. If this is the case, you should see an error such as AssertionError: expected 89987387000000000000 to equal 89987386999999990000. You can typically get the tests to pass by simply re-running them. The rounding errors tend to happen if you run the tests over and over on the same blockchain with the same accounts (i.e. without restarting ganache-cli). Simply restarting the local blockchain can sometimes make everything pass.

Each of the two contracts has .sol and .js tests, all located under /test. For more explanations on tests, see

Project Requirements

The project requirements are described below. To see how to test the project for the required functionality, see

Project Requirements

User Interface Requirements:

  • Run the app on a dev server locally for testing/grading
    • See Running the Project below.
  • You should be able to visit a URL and interact with the application
    • The application will be at http://localhost:3000/
  • App recognizes current account
  • Sign transactions using MetaMask
    • Once MetaMask is configured to the application network (localhost:8545), users can interact with it using MetaMask
  • Contract state is updated
    • Update reflected in UI
      • See Updates require refreshing the page.

Test Requirements:

  • Write 5 tests for each contract you wrote
    • Most tests were written in Javascript, for flexibility
    • Solidity
      • See /test/TestMarketplace.sol and /test/TestStores.sol
    • JavaScript
      • See /test/marketplace.js and /test/stores.js
  • Explain why you wrote those tests
    • See
  • Tests run with truffle test
    • Yes. See Testing under Running the Project

Design Pattern Requirements:

  • Implement emergency stop
    • Both Stores.sol and Marketplace.sol implement the Pausable library from Zeppelin.
    • Functionality is tested at the end of marketplace.js and stores.js
  • What other design patterns have you used / not used?
    • See

Security Tools / Common Attacks :

  • Explain what measures you’ve taken to ensure that your contracts are not susceptible to common attacks
    • See


  • Use a library (via EthPM)
    • The zeppelin library is used (installed under /installed_contracts/zeppelin)
  • Smart Contract code should be commented according to the specs in the documentation
    • See Marketplace.sol and Stores.sol

[TODO] Stretch Requirement

  • Deploy on a test net
    • See deployed_addresses.txt
  • Integrate with an additional service, for example:
    • IPFS
    • uPort
    • Ethereum Name Service
    • Oracle

Full Requirements Document

Additional information about the project can be found here.


This repository contains the implementation of a marketplace in Solidity (Ethereum). Final project for ConsenSys Developer Bootcamp.






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