Multibranch piepline driven by ./backend/Jenkinsfile
and ./frontend/Jenkinsfile
and runs on
Routing ("serice mesh") done by Treafik:
Create Docker Image
stage('Build') { steps { script { dir("frontend") {"$IMAGE")"$IMAGE_LATEST") } } } }
Push to DockerHub - the difference is
overrides thelatest
tag other branches just create a new release with the commit hash.See on docker hub octopus-be and octopus-fe for more info.
stage('Publish (master)') { when { branch 'master' } steps { script { withDockerRegistry([ credentialsId: "dockerHub", url: "" ]) { // version eq latest git tag docker.image(IMAGE).push() // override the latest tag docker.image(IMAGE_LATEST).push() } } } }
Publish/Deploy automatically on push
So we did a trick to utlize an already running Treafik instance. Treafik resides on a network
which is external to the stack so we have a hack in thedocker-compose.yml
which takes care of a few things (this referrres to both backend and fronent)making sure the forente / backend are on the same network as traefik like so:
tci_tciserver: external: true
which we then use in the container itself like so:
networks: - tci_tciserver
and the magic of Let's encrypt is done by
which is already running on the server so the labels tell traefik to serve it like so:labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.port: "80" traefik.frontend.passHostHeader: "true" traefik.frontend.rule: ""
In other words this was designed to work with our existing setup and may need some change if we move away from this server.
So once all this magic is done our
looks like:version: '2' networks: tci_tciserver: external: true services: octopus-fe: build: . image: tikal/octopus-fe:latest expose: - 82 ports: - 82:80 labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.port: "80" traefik.frontend.passHostHeader: "true" traefik.frontend.rule: "" networks: - tci_tciserver restart: always
And simlar to that the
:version: '2' networks: tci_tciserver: external: true services: octopus-be: build: . image: tikal/octopus-be:latest expose: - 3333 ports: - 3333:3333 environment: GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET: '************************' GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID: '************************' GOOGLE_API_REDIRECT_URI: '***********************' labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.port: "3333" traefik.frontend.passHostHeader: "true" traefik.frontend.rule: "" networks: - tci_tciserver restart: always
Upon successdul build you should be able to access the latest deployment via