Fun project for emulating a Star Wars Galaxies server built in javascript. Currently only tested on OSX.
This is a framework similar to ExpressJS that has been adapted to the SOE SWG protocol for making SWG clients/servers.
This library handles all of the packet transfer, encryption/decryption, inflate/deflate, CRC checking, and packet reconstructing. All you have to do is write the server logic.
Example usage to build your own server/client:
var swg = require('swg');
var app = swg();
app.on('LoginClientId', function(req, res, next) {
name: 'LoginClientToken',
sessionKey: 'aaaaaaaa',
userId: 0,
userName: 'username'
app.listen(44453, function() {
console.log('server listening ' + app.server.address().address + ':' + app.server.address().port);
For a simple login server example: SWG login server
For a simple, fake SWG client example (so you don't have to run a real SWG client): SWG client server