Arel talk - Apéro Ruby 26 jan 2018
Lets start by selecting 18 -34 yo using Active Records:
Respondent.joins(answers: :possible_answer).where(possible_answers: { label: ['18-24 yo', '25-34 yo'], question: Question.find_by(label: 'Age') }).size`
FROM "respondents"
INNER JOIN "answers" ON "answers"."respondent_id" = "respondents"."id"
INNER JOIN "possible_answers" ON "possible_answers"."id" = "answers"."possible_answer_id"
WHERE "possible_answers"."label" IN ('18-24 yo', '25-34 yo')
AND "possible_answers"."question_id" = 2
Lets now add another condition on males :
Respondent.joins(answers: :possible_answer).where(possible_answers: { label: ['18-24 yo', '25-34 yo'], question: Question.find_by(label: 'Age') }).where(possible_answers: { label: ['male'], question: Question.find_by(label: 'Gender') }).size
FROM "respondents"
INNER JOIN "answers" ON "answers"."respondent_id" = "respondents"."id"
INNER JOIN "possible_answers" ON "possible_answers"."id" = "answers"."possible_answer_id"
WHERE "possible_answers"."label" IN ('18-24 yo', '25-34 yo')
AND "possible_answers"."question_id" = 2
AND "possible_answers"."label" = 'male'
AND "possible_answers"."question_id" = 1
No respondent is selected as an answer cannot belong two different questions / possible_answers at the same time
SOLUTION : join the possible_answers table on itself ISSUE : Active Records 'joins' or 'includes' don't offer that possiblity
sql = <<~SQL
FROM "respondents"
INNER JOIN "answers" ON "answers"."respondent_id" = "respondents"."id"
INNER JOIN "possible_answers" ON "possible_answers"."id" = "answers"."possible_answer_id"
FULL OUTER JOIN "answers" AS "answers2" ON "answers2"."respondent_id" = "respondents"."id"
INNER JOIN "possible_answers" AS "possible_answers2" ON "possible_answers2"."id" = "answers2"."possible_answer_id"
WHERE "possible_answers"."label" IN ('18-24 yo', '25-34 yo')
AND "possible_answers"."question_id" = 2
AND "possible_answers2"."label" = 'male'
AND "possible_answers2"."question_id" = 1
This works !!!
What happens, however, if I need to remove / add filters on the fly ? Will need to add the right joins in the right spot, with the right names, and add the correct 'where' or 'end' at the end of the query
==> Here comes Arel : a modulable and maintenable way to write SQL
see app/queries/respondents/filtered_per_possible_answer.rb