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A small JS file to help use Skrollr. Use JS instead of inline HTML in order to use Skrollr, as well as providing helper functions to deal with Skrollr syntax.

Skrollr.Utilities will only translate JS into inline HTML defined by Skrollr syntax, it does not call nor (technically) depend on Skrollr in order to work.

Holistic Example


<div id="example" 
data-100-top-top="background-color[linear]:rgb(255,0,0); width: 100%; transform[quadratic]: rotateY(0deg)  translate3d(0px,0px,0px) scale3d(1,1,1);"
data-50-center-center="background-color[linear]:rgb(0,0,255);width:50%;transform[quadratic]: rotateY(90deg)  translate3d(50px,50px,50px) scale3d(2,2,2);" 
  var s = skrollr.init({
    forceHeight: false,
    keyframe: function(element,name,direction) {
      if(element === $("#example")[0] && name === "data100TopTop") {
      if(element === $("#example")[0] && name === "data50CenterCenter") {

Skrollr + Skrollr.Utilities

<div id="example"></div>
  var util = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();

  $('#example').addKeyframes(["100-top-top", "data-50-center-center"], {
    'background-color[linear]': [util.convertHex("FF0000"),util.convertHex("0000FF")],
    'width':util.addUnits([100,50], '%'),
    'easing': ['quadratic','quadratic']

  util.onKeyframeEvent($("#example"), "data-100-top-top", function() {

  util.onKeyframeEvent($("#example"), "data-50-center-center", function() {

  var s = skrollr.init({
    forceHeight: false,
    keyframe: util.keyframeHandlerFn


  • JQuery (find, height, attr, fn, offset)


<script src='path_to_directory/skrollr.utilities.js'></script>

skrollr.utilities is a IIFE (Immediately Invoking Function Expression) that does three things:

  1. adds the ability to call addKeyframe() to a JQuery element
  2. adds the ability to call addKeyframes() to a JQuery element
  3. exposes an object called SkrollrUtilities


Add a skrollr keyframe at the specified marker to an element with the specified CSS animation properties.

returns undefined

marker - number | string

The scroll height that marks the key frame. skrollr.utilities currently supports absolute positioning in pixels and relative positioning (top, bottom, center). Can be the pixel value, or optionally prefixed by data-

animation - object

An object containing the CSS properties that will hold true at this keyframe. Transformations can be defined individually and have special markup, whereas any other property will simply be added as property:value and accepts strings. Remember that skrollr only accepts values that can be interpolated, eg all colors have to be defined in rgb() or hsl() syntax.

For example:

$('#example').addKeyframes(500, {
    translate: [0,0],
		'background-color': 'rgb(0,0,0)',
		width: '100%'

For the transformations, please only add unit-less values, and for translate and scale, the values should array xy-pairs, as in [x,y]. The values for rotate and skew will be interpreted as deg, and translate and scale px.

Supported transformations:

  • scale
  • scale3d
  • rotate
  • rotateX
  • rotateY
  • rotateZ
  • translate
  • translate3d
  • skew

Note: for the bolded attributes, they will only be added if a no-csstransforms3d value is NOT present on the <html> element (for those using Modernizr).

To add easing to a transform, there is a special attribute easing. In order to add easing to any other attribute, specify the attribute as attribute[easing]. For example, background-color[cubic]:'rgb(0,0,0)'.


Add a series of skrollr keyframes to an element.

returns undefined

markers - array (of number | string)

A list of the markers for each keyframe. Although it does not have to be in a specific order, the order of this array has to match the order in which you define the animation properties. skrollr.utilities currently supports absolute positioning in pixels and relative positioning (top, bottom, center). Can be the pixel value, or optionally prefixed by data-.

animations - object

An object containing the CSS properties and their values at each keyframe. Each property should be given an array of their value at each keyframe. Please do not leave out any keyframe values, even if the value of the property does not change at that keyframe. The array for each property has to match, in order and magnitude, the order of the markers parameter.

Transformations can be defined individually and have special markup, whereas any other property will simply be added as property:value and accepts strings. Remember that skrollr only accepts values that can be interpolated, eg all colors have to be defined in rgb() or hsl() syntax.

For example:

$('#example').addKeyframes([500, 'data-800'], {
    translate: [[0,0],[10,10]],
		'background-color': ['rgb(0,0,0)','rgb(255,255,255)'],
		width: ['100%','50%']

For the transformations, please only add unit-less values, and for translate and scale, the values should array xy-pairs, as in [x,y]. The values for rotate and skew will be interpreted as deg, and translate px.

Supported transformations:

  • scale
  • scale3d
  • rotate
  • rotateX
  • rotateY
  • rotateZ
  • translate
  • translate3d
  • skew

Note: for the bolded attributes, they will only be added if a no-csstransforms3d value is NOT present on the <html> element (for those using Modernizr).

To add easing to a transform, there is a special attribute easing. In order to add easing to any other attribute, specify the attribute as attribute[easing]. For example, background-color[linear]:['rgb(0,0,0)','rgb(255,255,255)'].


SkrollrUtilities is a global object exposed by skrollr.utilities that only has one function, getHelper, which returns a helper object.

The SkrollrUtilities helper has the following useful functions:


Suffix every value in an array with a unit, if the value doesn't already have one

returns array


An array of values to suffix


The string to suffix


var helper = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();
//prints out: [100px,200px]

convertHex(hex, alpha)

Converts a hex color string and optionally opacity in to rgb or rgba() form.

returns string


A hex color string in the form "#AAAAAA" or "AAAAAA" (case insensitive).


Optional value. If defined, will return rgba with this value appropriately included


var helper = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();
console.log(helper.convertHex("#FF0000", 1);
//prints out: rgba(255,0,0,1)


Gets the truncated offset (using JQuery) of the selected element.

returns number


A CSS selector string, as seen in JQuery. Note that if the element doesn't exist, or multiple elements exist, it will not return undefined.


var helper = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();
//prints out: 304

###Keyframe Event Handling

Currently, Skrollr has an experimental feature which allows users to bind handlers to keyframe events. To support this feature, the helper function has two additional methods. In order to use it properly, you must initialize skrollr with the keyframe property defined in the keyframeHandlerFn documentation (see below).

onKeyframeEvent(element, marker, handler)

Adds the handler to the keyframe event (when a keyframe is activated) as administered by skrollr. Will add the correct HTML markup if not already defined (ie add the data-emit-events attribute to the element).

returns number


The DOM or JQuery element the event handler is to be binded to.


The string marker. Has to be in the form data-pos where pos is the number of pixels from the top of the document (eg data-500). Should align with an existing keyframe marker defined on the element.


The function to call every time the event is triggered. The function will be passed in the values (element,name,direction), where element is the DOM element, name is the marker, and direction is up or down, the direction the user was scrolling when the event triggered.


var helper = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();
helper.onKeyframeEvent($('#example'), 'data-500', function(element, name, direction) {
//prints out when triggered: down

The handler function that SkrollrUtilities builds for you to attach to skrollr. In order for this to work properly, you must initialize skrollr using this function and the keyframe property, after you have added all of your keyframe event bindings using onKeyframeEvent.

var helper = SkrollrUtilities.getHelper();
helper.onKeyframeEvent($('#example'), 'data-500', function(element, name, direction) {

//optionally add other properties
keyframe: helper.keyframeHandlerFn


Nothing yet!!!

Version History

  • 30/05/14 - 0.0.0 (untagged) - initial alpha release


  • thetmkay


make my use of skrollr as painless as possible






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