This repo contains the application tasks.
- Inside /lib/main.dart is the entry point for the application to run.
- Open the /lib/ directory & go to the /lib/conpany_name directory to access all the task code.
- Each company_name/ directory contains three sub_directories as shown below,
- ui -> containing all the UI for the task
- widgets -> containing common custom reusable widgets
- models -> containing all the model classes required to handle data
- providers -> providers handling state management throughout the task
- /lib/core - This directory contains all the core logic/widgets/constants/styles/ui components etc.
Cognota Task | Cognota Task | Cognota Task | Cognota Task |
TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task | TGS Task |
Mobigic Task | Mobigic Task | Mobigic Task | Mobigic Task |
Fydaa Task | Fydaa Task | Fydaa Task | Fydaa Task |
Promilo Task | Promilo Task | Promilo Task | Promilo Task | Promilo Task |
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
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