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PyTorch implementation of DreamerV2 model-based RL algorithm


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Reimplementation of DreamerV2 model-based RL algorithm in PyTorch.

The official DreamerV2 implementation can be found here.

This is a research project with no guarantees of stability and support. Breaking changes to be expected!


50-step long "dream" sequences generated by the model from an initial state.

PyDreamer implements most of the features of DreamerV2, but is not an exact copy and there are some subtle differences. Here is a summary of features and differences.

DreamerV2 PyDreamer
Env - Discrete actions
Env - Continuous actions
Env - Multiple workers
Model - Categorical latents
Model - Policy entropy
Model - Layer normalization
Training - KL balancing
Training - Reinforce policy gradients
Training - Dynamics policy gradients
Training - Multistep value target TD-λ GAE
Training - State persistence (TBTT)
Training - Mixed precision
Training - Offline RL
Exploration - Plan2Explore
Data - Replay buffer In-memory Disk or cloud
Data - Batch sampling Random Full episodes
Metrics - Format Tensorboard Mlflow

PyDreamer also has some experimental features

Multi-sample variational bound (IWAE)
Categorical reward decoder
Probe head for global map prediction


PyDreamer is set up to run out-of-the-box with the following environments. You should use the Dockerfile, which has all the dependencies set up, and then --configs defaults {env} to select one of the predefined configurations inside config/defaults.yaml.


Atari benchmarks

Here is a comparison between PyDreamer and the official DreamerV2 scores on a few Atari environments:

The results seem comparable, though there are some important differences. These are most likely due to different default hyperparameters, and the different buffer sampling (random vs whole episodes)

DreamerV2 PyDreamer
gamma 0.999 0.99
train_every 16 ~42 (1 worker)
lr (model,actor,critic) (2e-4, 4e-5, 1e-4) (3e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4)
grayscale true false
buffer_size 2e6 10e6

Trainer vs worker speed

PyDreamer uses separate processes for environment workers, so the trainer and workers do not block each other, and the trainer can utilize GPU fully, while workers are running on CPU. That means, however, that there is no train_every parameter, and the ratio of gradient updates to environment steps will depend on the hardware used.

To give a rough idea, here is what I'm getting on NVIDIA T4 machine:

  • 1.4 gradient steps / sec
  • 60 agent steps / sec (single worker)
  • 240 env steps / sec (x4 action repeat)
  • 42 train_every (= agent steps / gradient steps)

On V100 you should be seeing ~3 gradient steps/sec, so effective train_every would be ~20. In that case it is probably best to increase number of workers (generator_workers) to accelerate training, unless you are aiming for maximal sample efficiency.


Running locally

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to use Atari environment, you need to get Atari ROMs

pip install atari-py==0.2.9
wget -L -nv
apt-get install unrar                                   # brew install unar (Mac)
unrar x Roms.rar                                        # unar -D Roms.rar  (Mac)
python -m atari_py.import_roms ROMS
rm -rf Roms.rar * ROMS

Run training (debug CPU mode)

python --configs defaults atari debug --env_id Atari-Pong

Run training (full GPU mode)

python --configs defaults atari atari_pong

Running with Docker

docker build . -f Dockerfile -t pydreamer
docker run -it pydreamer --configs defaults atari atari_pong

Running on Kubernetes

See scripts/kubernetes/


All of the configuration is done via YAML files stored in config/*.yaml. PyDreamer automatically loads all YAML files it finds there, and when you specify --configs {section1} {section2} ... it takes a union of the sections with given names.

The typical usage is to specify --configs defaults {env_config} {experiment}, where

You can also override individual parameters with command line arguments, e.g.

python --configs defaults atari --env_id Atari-Pong --gamma 0.995

Mlflow Tracking

PyDreamer relies quite heavily on Mlflow tracking to log metrics, images, store model checkpoints and even replay buffer.

That does NOT mean you need to have a Mlflow tracking server installed. By default, mlflow is just a pip package, which stores all metrics and files locally under ./mlruns directory.

That said, if you are running experiments on the cloud, it is very convenient to set up a persistent Mlflow tracking server. In that case just set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI env variable, and all the metrics will be sent to the server instead of written to the local dir.

Note that the replay buffer is just a directory with mlflow artifacts in *.npz format, so if you set up an S3 or GCS mlflow artifact store, the replay buffer will be actually stored on the cloud and replayed from there! This makes it easy to persist data across container restarts, but be careful to store data in the same cloud region as the training containers, to avoid data transfer charges.

World Model extraction and analysis

Modifications to the original DreamerV2 codebase in order to make the separated world model have been made.(Theo Michel 2023/03/01)

World Model extraction

The world model extraction is not elegant and can be improved, it was left as is, as it is not a commun operation, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Train a DreamerV2 agent on the environment of your choice (e.g. Atari-Pong), it's latest state will be automatically saved in the mlflow server, so in the file mlruns/0/{run_id}/artifacts/checkpoints/"

  2. Extract a state of this agent when playing on the environment in question, in our case we captured the state $z$. This is done by uncommenting the code line 136 of the pydreamer/models/ Execute the evaluation of the model using the model-experiments.ipynb file, so that the state is saved when doing the evaluation. And then recomment the lines, and restart the kernel of the model-experiments.ipynb file.

  3. Use the saved checkpoint and saved state, so replace the states at the line 100 with your own desired states, together to predict the world model, see model-experiments.ipynb.

  4. Play with the states and analyse the differences.

It should be noted that making this process easier is quite easy if you add arguments to the evaluation function, and then use a if statement. We didn't do it out of lake of time, and as in our case we only had to do this procedure once.

Tested commands

Example line of how to launch minigrid : python --config defaults minigrid --env_id MiniGrid-DoorKey-8x8-v0 --probe_model none

Minigrid working envs :

  • Emptyenv
  • Doorkeyenv
  • Fourroomsenv Some of the minigrid environments are not working as there is an issue with the encoding of the objects, which has been hardcoded in the pydreamer/envs/ file. This can be improved Sometimes the shape of the environment is a problem, it is assumed to be square a partial fix is to use pydreamer-minigrid/ l.458 to pad the non square envrionments, this has not been fully tested, and is a quick fix.

Not Working Minigrid environments

  • Dynamicobstaclesenv
  • MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N2-S4-v0
  • MiniGrid-Unlock-v0

Visit \href{}{link} for more detail about the minigrid envs. Other games that have been tested

  • python --configs defaults atari --env_id Atari-Alien-V5
  • python --configs defaults atari --env_id Atari-Breakout
  • python --configs defaults atari --env_id Atari-Pong
  • python --configs defaults atari --env_id Atari-Adventure-v5

World model analysis

see model-experiments.ipynb


PyTorch implementation of DreamerV2 model-based RL algorithm







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