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To the moon!

To the moon! #386

Workflow file for this run

name: Build & Test
on: [push, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: windows-2022
timeout-minutes: 20
- name: Append to path
run: |
$RTLPath = cygpath -w ${{ github.workspace }}/BinaryCache/Developer/Library/Developer/Platforms/Windows.platform/Developer/SDKs/Windows.sdk/usr/bin
for ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i += 1) {
Add-Content ${env:GITHUB_PATH} "${RTLPath}$i"
- name: Print path
run: Write-Output ${env:Path}
- name: Append to path
run: |
$RTLPath = cygpath -w ${{ github.workspace }}/BinaryCache/Developer/Library/Developer/Platforms/Windows.platform/Developer/SDKs/Windows.sdk/usr/bin
for ($i = 10; $i -le 100; $i += 1) {
Add-Content ${env:GITHUB_PATH} "${RTLPath}$i"
- name: Print path
run: Write-Output ${env:Path}
- name: Append to path
run: |
$RTLPath = cygpath -w ${{ github.workspace }}/BinaryCache/Developer/Library/Developer/Platforms/Windows.platform/Developer/SDKs/Windows.sdk/usr/bin
for ($i = 100; $i -le 1000; $i += 1) {
Add-Content ${env:GITHUB_PATH} "${RTLPath}$i"
- name: Print path
run: Write-Output ${env:Path}
- name: Append to path
run: |
$RTLPath = cygpath -w ${{ github.workspace }}/BinaryCache/Developer/Library/Developer/Platforms/Windows.platform/Developer/SDKs/Windows.sdk/usr/bin
for ($i = 1000; $i -le 10000; $i += 1) {
Add-Content ${env:GITHUB_PATH} "${RTLPath}$i"
- name: Print path
run: Write-Output ${env:Path}