Loqate helps you locate addresses easier from plain text.
Currently the package only supports basic address capture that loqate provides.
Address Capture consists of two main API requests: a Find request is used to narrow down a possible list of addresses; and a Retrieve request is used to retrieve a fully formatted address.
A typical address search is made up of a series of Find requests, followed by a Retrieve based on the user selection.
Create an account with loqate on their website and get an API key that is needed for the package.
final Loqate loqate = Loqate(apiKey: EnvironmentConfig.loqateApiKey);
final results = await loqate.find(FindRequest(addressString: 'Address Input'));
final searchAddress = results.first;
final retrievedAddresses = await loqate.retrieve(RetrieveRequest(id: searchAddress?.id));
print('street : ${address.street}');
print('admin area : ${address.adminAreaName}');
print('city : ${address.city}');
print('postal code : ${address.postalCode}');
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