- HydroEcoLSTM is a tool for modelling Hydro-ecological processes with Long short-term Memory (LSTM) neural network. HydroEcoLSTM is provided to users as a python packages with graphical user interface (GUI) and without GUI.
- This is the beta version, package documentation will be provided in later versions
# Install the package from github using pip command
pip install git+https://github.com/tamnva/hydroecolstm.git
# Import the package and show the GUI
import hydroecolstm
# Example of static and dynamic data in this folder
# static data (catchment attributes) 'examples/data/static_attributes.csv'
# dynamic data (time series input and target features) 'examples/data/time_series.csv'
# example Pyhon script for running without GUI 'examples/example_run.py'
- After lanching the GUI, you should see the following window (the latest version in the "development" branch could look different)