Sample implementation of a Smart IoT Room that elevates the capabilities of IoT devices within the Volttron ecosystem. Integrates with any devices using open protocols and stores historical data for later usage.
- Seamless Integration with IoT devices through single interface
- Historical Data Storage
- Open APIs for Data Retrieval
- Open APIs for Device Control
- Monitoring Dashboard
- Ease Deployment with Docker
# clone this repository with submodules
git clone --recursive
# or if you already cloned the repository, here's how to get the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
# change directory to project
cd volttron-iot-demo
# creates Volttron container with ZMQ message bus
# along with Grafana and CrateDB containers
docker-compose up -d
# to ssh into Volttron container
docker exec -itu volttron volttron1 bash
# setup an Agent: install, configure, enable, and start
vctl install /home/volttron/workspace/Agents/RESTAgent --tag rest_agent --vip-identity rest_agent
vctl config store rest_agent /home/volttron/workspace/Agents/RESTAgent/config
vctl enable --tag rest_agent
vctl start --tag rest_agent