elasticsearch client api used across multiple services, handles retries and exponential backoff
npm install @terascope/elasticsearch-api
var elasticsearch = require('@terascope/elasticsearch-api');
var bunyan = require('bunyan');
var logger = logger = bunyan.createLogger({name: 'someName'});
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({host: [""]});
var opConfig = {full_response: false};
var elasticsearch = require('@terascope/elasticsearch-api')(client, logger, opConfig);
var query = elasticsearch.buildQuery(opConfig, msg);
The @terascope/elasticsearch-api
module must be passed in an elasticsearch client and a bunyan based logger. You may also optional pass in an object as the third argument.
Configuration | Description | Type | Notes |
full_response | If using the search method, set this to true will return all metadata for the request | Boolean | optional, defaults to retuning data without its metadata attached |
index | only used if you are using the version method | String | required if using the version method, if not then its optional |
The majority of methods exhibit the same behavior of the native elasticsearch client
It gets a single document
Query requires:
- id
- type
- index
var query = {id: 'someID', type: 'someType', index: 'someIndex'};
This will index a document to a given index
Query requires:
- index
- type
- body
var query = {index: 'someIndex', type: 'someType', body: {actual: 'data'};
This will index a document to a given index with a specific id
Query requires:
- index
- type
- id
- body
var query = {
index: 'someIndex',
type: 'someType',
id: 'someID',
body: {actual: 'data'}
Please reference index, they do the same except create will throw if doc already exists
Update parts of a document, body is a partial document, which will be merged with the existing one
Query requires:
- index
- type
- id
- body
var query = {index: 'someIndex', type: 'someType', id: 'someId', body: { doc: {partial: 'document'};
Deletes a document for a given id
Query requires:
- index
- type
- id
var query = {index: 'someIndex', type: 'someType', id: 'someId'};
Searches elasticsearch Query requires:
- index (can be a single index or multiple)
- q (lucene query)
- body (Elasticsearch’s Query DSL)
var query = {index: 'someIndex', q: 'some:Data NOT other:Data'};
var query2 = {
"index": "mapping_test",
"size": 2000,
"q": "bytes:>80000",
"body": {
"query": {
"range": {
"created": {
"gte": "2016-11-28T11:18:07.018-07:00",
"lt": "2016-11-28T11:18:07.031-07:00"
- If the incoming query has size set to 0, then it will return the count of the given query
- If the passed in opConfig (third argument on instantiation of api) has set full_response to true, it will return docs with their associated metadata
Verifies if a given index exists and logs what the max_result_window for said index
Query requires:
- index (requires passed in opConfig to have set an index key with the value set to a index)
var opConfig = {index: 'someIndex'}
var elasticsearch = require('@terascope/elasticsearch-api')(client, logger, opConfig);
// do stuff
//index does not exist or some other error
Adds a template
Query requires:
- template
- name
var client = getClient(context, context.sysconfig.teraslice.state, 'elasticsearch');
var template = require('./backends/mappings/logs.json');
var name = 'logs_template';
elasticsearch.putTemplate(template, name)
Uses the client bulk functionality with exponential back-off retries
Query requires:
- data (formatted to work with elasticsearch bulk queries)
var elasticsearch = require('@terascope/elasticsearch-api')(client, logger, opConfig);
//all done sending data
directly calls elasticsearch client.nodes.info()
directly calls elasticsearch client.nodes.stats()
calls client.indices.exists() with and retries if queue is overloaded
Query requires:
- index
var existQuery = {index: index_name};
calls client.indices.create() with and retries if queue is overloaded
Query requires:
- index
- body (mapping for index)
var createQuery = {index: index_name, body: mapping};
calls client.indices.refreash() with and retries if queue is overloaded
Query requires:
- index
var query = {index: index_name};
calls client.indices.recovery() with and retries if queue is overloaded
Query requires:
- index
var existQuery = {index: index_name};
basic elasticsearch dsl query builder
Query requires:
- opConfig (object)
- msg (object)
Basic usage
var elasticsearch = require('@terascope/elasticsearch-api')(client, logger, opConfig);
var query = elasticsearch.buildQuery(opConfig, msg);
Configuration | Description | Type | Notes |
index | Index in which you will read from | String | required |
fields | Determines what fields are sent back in the returning query. Setting it to true or false will determine if the _source field should be returned. Setting it to a list of fields will return results only of those fields and if set to a single string will only return that specific field | String, Array of Strings, Boolean | optional |
date_field_name | the field name of the document on which you will be performing a range query | String | required only if msg parameter has a start and end value, |
query | Must be lucene query syntax. If set then this will add a lucene query to the final query | String | optional |
Configuration | Description | Type | Notes |
count | determines the size parameter of the query | Number | required |
start | used for a range query, searches for greater than or equal to this value | String (date) | optional, must be used in conjunction with end |
end | used for a range query, searches for less than this value, non-inclusive | String (date) | optional, must be used in conjunction with start |
key | if set then this will perform a wildcard query using this value against all document's _id value | String | optional |
Example of query generated: In the following example, this will create a query searching the index: someIndex with a _id that matches a76f*, with bytes greater than 80000 and in-between two dates
var opConfig = {
date_field_name: 'created',
index: 'someIndex',
query: 'bytes:>80000'
var msg = {
count: 2000,
start: "2016-11-28T11:18:07.018-07:00",
end: "2016-11-28T11:18:07.031-07:00",
key: "a76f*"
var query = elasticsearch.buildQuery(opConfig, msg);
var obj = {
"index": "someIndex",
"size": 2000,
"body": {
"query": {
bool: {
must: [
"range": {
"created": {
"gte": "2016-11-28T11:18:07.018-07:00",
"lt": "2016-11-28T11:18:07.031-07:00"
query_string: {
query: "bytes:>80000"
wildcard: {
_uid: "a76f*"