What is it? This is PHP code for processing DotA 2 API-requests.
What can it do? It can get match-list for some criteria, get match-info for single match, get steam-profile info for users. AND save all this data in MySQL database. For more information see - "How to use it".
What I need to work with it? First of all you need web-server with PHP 5.3+ ( PDO and cURL should be enabled) and MySQL 5. Then look at install section.
Open file config.php and find MySQL connection settings. Write there your 'db-host', 'db-name', 'username', 'password'. 'table-prefix' leave as is.
In this file also replace API_KEY with your own (you can get it on the http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey).
Connect to your mysql-server with any tool (phpmyadmin, heidisql etc) and execute code from the file db_latest.sql.
http://kronus.me/cn/dota2/match.php?match_id=117762656 - you can use your own match_id
Type | URL |
Supported | |
GetMatchHistory | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory/v001/ |
GetMatchDetails | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails/v001/ |
GetPlayerSummaries | https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/ |
GetLeagueListing | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLeagueListing/v0001/ |
GetLiveLeagueGames | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetLiveLeagueGames/v0001/ |
GetTeamInfoByTeamID | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetTeamInfoByTeamID/v001/ |
GetHeroes | https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetHeroes/v0001/ |
GetTournamentPrizePool | https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetTournamentPrizePool/v1/ |
GetGameItems | https://api.steampowered.com/IEconDOTA2_570/GetGameItems/v0001/ |
Unsupported | |
EconomySchema | https://api.steampowered.com/IEconItems_570/GetSchema/v0001/ |
GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum | https://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v0001/ |
Before parsing and saving leagues matches to your DB, make sure that you've saved leagues to the DB (using leagues_mapper_web
If you try to save some "public" matches, you should REMOVE foreign key
for field leagueid
in the table matches
require_once ('config.php');
$mm = new match_mapper_web(121995119);
$match = $mm->load();
$match - it's an object with all match data including slots info, ability-upgrades (if provided) and pick, bans (if cm-mode).
require_once ('config.php');
$mm = new match_mapper_web(121995119);
$match = $mm->load();
$saver = new match_mapper_db();
match_mapper_db will check if match with $match->get('match_id') exists in the db and select method for save (insert or update).
require_once ('config.php');
$mm = new match_mapper_web(121995119);
$match = $mm->load();
echo $match->get('match_id');
echo $match->get('start_time');
echo $match->get('game_mode');
$slots = $match->get_all_slots();
foreach($slots as $slot) {
echo $slot->get('last_hits');
require_once ('config.php');
$matches_mapper_web = new matches_mapper_web();
$matches_short_info = $matches_mapper_web->load();
foreach ($matches_short_info AS $key=>$match_short_info) {
$match_mapper = new match_mapper_web($key);
$match = $match_mapper->load();
$mm = new match_mapper_db();
require_once ('config.php');
$players_mapper_web = new players_mapper_web();
$players_info = $players_mapper_web->add_id('76561198067833250')->add_id('76561198058587506')->load();
foreach($players_info as $player_info) {
echo $player_info->get('realname');
echo '<img src="'.$player_info->get('avatarfull').'" alt="'.$player_info->get('personaname').'" />';
echo '<a href="'.$player_info->get('profileurl').'">'.$player_info->get('personaname').'\'s steam profile</a>';
Player's id you can get via player::convert_id('xxxxx') method (xxxxx - its DotA ID).
$teams_mapper_web = new teams_mapper_web();
$teams = $teams_mapper_web->set_team_id(2)->set_teams_requested(2)->load();
foreach($teams as $team) {
echo $team->get('name');
echo $team->get('rating');
echo $team->get('country_code');
require_once ('config.php');
$heroes_mapper = new heroes_mapper();
$heroes = $heroes_mapper->load();
$heroes - array with numeric indexes (heroes ids)
require_once ('config.php');
$items_mapper_web = new items_mapper_web();
$items_info = $items_mapper_web->load();
foreach($items_info as $item) {
echo $item->get('id');
echo $item->get('name');
echo $item->get('cost');
echo $item->get('secret_shop');
echo $item->get('side_shop');
echo $item->get('recipe');
echo $item->get('localized_name');
require_once ('config.php');
$items_mapper_web = new items_mapper_web();
$items = $items_mapper_web->load();
$items_mapper_db = new items_mapper_db();
require_once ('config.php');
$items_mapper_db = new items_mapper_db();
$items_info = $items_mapper_db->load();
foreach($items_info as $item) {
echo $item->get('id');
echo $item->get('name');
echo $item->get('cost');
echo $item->get('secret_shop');
echo $item->get('side_shop');
echo $item->get('recipe');
echo $item->get('localized_name');
require_once ('config.php');
$leagues_mapper_web = new leagues_mapper_web();
$leagues = $leagues_mapper_web->load();
foreach($leagues as $league) {
echo $league->get('description');
if ($league->get('tournament_url')) {
echo $league->get('tournament_url');
$leagues - array with numeric indexes (leagues ids)
$league_prize_pool_mapper_web = new league_prize_pool_mapper_web();
$prize_pool_info = $league_prize_pool_mapper_web->load();
echo $prize_pool_info['prize_pool'];
echo $prize_pool_info['league_id'];
echo $prize_pool_info['status']; // may be undefined
$prize_pool_mapper_db = new league_prize_pool_mapper_db();
$pp = $prize_pool_mapper_db->set_league_id(600)->load();
foreach($pp as $date=>$prize_pool) {
echo $date.' - $ '.number_format($prize_pool, 2);
require_once ('config.php');
$league_mapper = new league_mapper(22); // set league id (can be get via leagues_mapper)
$games = $league_mapper->load();
$games - array of live_match objects
$matches_mapper_db = new matches_mapper_db();
$matches_info = $matches_mapper_db->load();
$matches_mapper_db = new matches_mapper_db();
$matches_mapper_db->delete(array(151341579, 151401247));
$mm = new match_mapper_db();
$abilities = new abilities();
$abilities-get_data_by_id(5172); // return array for ability with id 5172 (BeastMaster Inner Beast)
// same, because there are no thumbs for abilities
$abilities->get_img_url_by_id(5172, false);
$heroes = new heroes();
$heroes-get_data_by_id(97); // get info about Magnus
$heroes->get_img_url_by_id(97, false); // large image
$heroes->get_img_url_by_id(97); // thumb
$items = new items();
$items-get_data_by_id(149); // get info about Crystalis
$items->get_img_url_by_id(149, false); // large image
$items->get_img_url_by_id(149); // thumb
$mods = new mods();
$mods->get_field_by_id(1, 'name'); // returns 'All Pick'
$lobbies = new lobbies();
$lobbies->get_field_by_id(2, 'name'); // returns 'Tournament'
$regions = new regions();
$regions->get_field_by_id(132, 'name'); // returns 'Europe West'
$match_mapper_web = new match_mapper_web(123456789);
$match = $match_mapper_web->load();
$map = new map($match->get('tower_status_radiant'), $match->get('tower_status_dire'), $match->get('barracks_status_radiant'), $match->get('barracks_status_dire'));
$canvas = $map->get_image();
header('Content-Type: image/jpg');
$players_mapper_db = new players_mapper_db();
$players_info = $players_mapper_db->add_id('76561198020176880')->add_id('76561197998200662')->load();
or for just getting one player, you can also use
$player_mapper_db = new player_mapper_db();
//fetch players from API
$players_mapper_web = new players_mapper_web();
$players = $players_mapper_web->add_id('76561198020176880')->add_id('76561197998200662')->load();
//save players into db
$player_mapper_db = new player_mapper_db();
foreach($players as $p) {
$match_mapper_web = new match_mapper_web(37633163);
$game = $match_mapper_web->load();
$ugc_mapper_web = new ugc_mapper_web($game->get('radiant_logo'));
$logo_data = $ugc_mapper_web->load();
echo $logo_data->url;
Valve for DotA 2 and Web API.
MuppetMaster42, for http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=58317.
Players, who don't hide their own statistic.
dev.dota2 community.