e-Procurement system for managing tenders
Submiss is a web-based software solution of the Procurement Office (City of Bern) for recording, organizing and processing all procurement procedures of the City of Bern. It offers role-based access to the project and company data for internal employees, as well as access to the company part by external third parties.
Submiss includes the following:
- Digital execution (step by step) of the tender procedures: Open, Selective, Invitation, Negotiation and Competition
- Documentation of the process steps
- Generation and printing of all process relevant documents and contracts
- Company directory with master data and proof management
- Access to company data for third parties
- Generation of various reports
- Task list and audit logs
- Master data and user administration
- JDK 1.8.x
- Maven 3.x
- Karaf 4.0.9
- Node.js 4.4.7 LTS
- Gulp 3.9.0
- Bower
- MariaDB 10.x
This section provides instructions on how to setup your development environment.
Integration with a SAML identity provider is necessary. OpenAM is used as example for SAML Idp. Installation and Configuration of the Identity Provider is not content of this readme.
Create a file c:\etc\submiss\submiss-sp.properties
with the following content:
Make sure you replace
with the first letter of your name and your surname.
Open a CLI to c:\etc\submiss
and create your keystore:
- Make sure you replace
with the first letter of your name and your surname.- Use 'YOUR_PASSWORD' as your keystore password when requested.
- When requested for 'first and last name' enter your real ones.
- When requested for 'name of organisational unit' enter
keytool -genkey -alias submiss_nsurname -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.jks
Export your certificate:
Make sure you replace
with the first letter of your name and your surname.
keytool -export -keystore keystore.jks -alias submiss_nsurname -file submiss_nsurname.cer
Import your certificate .cer
file into OpenAM's keystore.
Import the certificate of the IdP into your keystore:
- Copy the file to
. - Open a CLI to
and execute:
keytool -import -file cert.pem -alias idm-int -keystore keystore.jks
In case your settings.xml
is not in one of the standard locations
(e.g. ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
) then you need to edit
in line 37 to add your path for your
Maven settings.xml
config:edit org.ops4j.datasource-managed
config:property-set user submiss
config:property-set password YOUR_PASSWORD
config:property-set url jdbc:mariadb://DATABASE_SERVER:PORT/YOUR_DATABASE_NAME?autoReconnect=true
config:property-set dataSourceName qlack2-ds
config:property-set osgi.jdbc.driver.name mariadb
config:property-set pool dbcp2
config:property-set xa true
config:property-set jdbc.pool.testOnBorrow true
config:property-set jdbc.factory.validationQuery 'select 1'
config:property-set jdbc.pool.testWhileIdle true
config:property-set jdbc.factory.validationQueryTimeout 15
config:edit org.ops4j.datasource-nonmanaged
config:property-set user submiss
config:property-set password YOUR_PASSWORD
config:property-set url jdbc:mariadb://DATABASE_SERVER:PORT/YOUR_DATABASE_NAME?autoReconnect=true
config:property-set dataSourceName qlack2-ds-non-managed
config:property-set osgi.jdbc.driver.name mariadb
config:property-set pool dbcp2
config:property-set jdbc.pool.testOnBorrow true
config:property-set jdbc.factory.validationQuery 'select 1'
config:property-set jdbc.pool.testWhileIdle true
config:property-set jdbc.factory.validationQueryTimeout 15
config:edit com.eurodyn.qlack2.util.liquibase
config:property-set datasource qlack2-ds-non-managed
config:edit com.eurodyn.qlack2.fuse.caching
config:property-set active true
config:property-set maxEntries 0
config:property-set expiryTime 1800000
config:edit ch.bern.submiss.web.api
config:property-set sso.signaturePropertiesFile /c:/etc/submiss/submiss-sp.properties
config:property-set sso.idpServiceAddress http://IDP_NAME:IDP_PORT/openam1300/SSOPOST/metaAlias/idp
config:property-set sso.serviceAddress submiss_nsurname_gulp
config:property-set sso.logoutServiceAddress http://HOSTNAME:PORT/api/sso/logout
config:property-set sso.assertionConsumerServiceAddress http://HOSTNAME:PORT/api/sso/racs
config:property-set sso.skipSignatureInMetadata true
config:property-set sso.signatureUsername submiss_nsurname
Transaction recovery is not supported by MariaDB's JDBC drivers, so it should be turned off.
config:edit org.apache.aries.transaction
config:property-set aries.transaction.recoverable false
mvn clean install -DskipTests
feature:repo-add mvn:ch.bern.submiss/submiss-karaf-features/LATEST/xml/features
feature:install submiss-database
feature:install submiss-deps
feature:install submiss-docs
feature:install submiss-back-end
bundle:install -s mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xalan/2.7.1_4
bundle:install -s mvn:org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.bcel/5.2_4
# Goto the SUBMISS web-ui folder
cd submiss-web-ui
# Get up to date with dependencies
npm install
bower install
# Start the embedded live-reload web server
gulp clean & gulp serve --proxy=http://YOUR_LAST_NAME:8181
This section provides instructions on how to setup your production environment.
Create a new folder. e.g. etc/submiss in order to create same configuration files with same properties as previously described under the Development Environment Setup.
Finally, following files should be present:
- submiss-sp.properties
- ch.bern.submiss.web.api
- com.eurodyn.qlack2.fuse.caching
- com.eurodyn.qlack2.util.liquibase
- org.ops4j.datasource-nonmanaged
- org.ops4j.datasource-managed
To build the project under your production environment, go to the root of the application and execute:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Under submiss-dist/target you will find the Application as .tar.gz-File, that includes Karaf, so setting it up is quick and easy.
- Create a folder in which the file should be extracted
mkdir submiss
- Extract the file
tar zxvf submiss-dist-1.0.0.tar.gz -C submiss --strip 1
- Navigate to submiss/bin and execute:
This command will start Karaf.
- Maven - Dependency Management
Please read the contributing file for the process of submitting pull requests to us.
One healthy social atmosphere is very important to us, wherefore we rate our Code of Conduct high. For details check the Code of Conduct file.
- European Dynamics S.A. - Initial work - eurodyn
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the European Union Public Licence - see the license file for details.