- Report is ready.
- Updated 03_Data_Story_Telling.html
- Updated 03_Data_Story_Telling.ipynb
- Generated Milestone Report.pdf
- EDA Report is ready.
Data story telling revision 1 is ready. Here is the log of changes:
- Tick labels added to first plot (Section 2.1, plot title: Number of claims (bi-monthly))
- One plot added after the first one, the conclusion has been reworded (Section 2.1, plot title:Number of claim per month [2011 to 2017])
- First part of Section 2.2 modified to investigate the time offset that creates the maximum correlation
- Plot Averange monthly number of freezing and snow days
- Offset study
- Correlation matrix
- Heatmap plot
- Section 2.2, the conclusion below each plot has been reworded to include more details about the reading of the plot.
- Section 2.2, "Residual - Effect of the daily averange temperature (offset=1 month)" added
- Section 2.3, "Median number of days to repair a pothole (bi-monthly)" x labels corrected.
- Section 2.3, "Repair time for February 2014 and 2015..." modified to reflect comparison between two years. Conclusion added below plot.
- Section 2.4, "Repair time - Correlation study" and conclusion added.
- Section 3, correlation value added.
- Section 5, heatmap and correlation added.
- Section 5, plot conclusions improved.
- Section 6, 2D histogram added + conlusion.
- Data story telling revision 0 is ready.
- Data wranglin revision 0 ready.
- For data wrangling report, please refer to Data Wrangling Report.pdf.