Project-Study Buddy ppt link-
video link- Presentation Video:-
Implementation Video:-
STUDY BUDDY: A non-profit welfare project that strives to give students the opportunity to build connections with students all over the college, find people with similar interests, receive academic and skill related assistance from them and support those in need
FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT : HTML,CSS for basic front-end and styling. CSS Framework: BOOTSTRAP to provide responsive as well as quick design to our website. DATABASE : Flexible data storage: MongoDB is a flexible NoSQL database that can be used to store a variety of data types, including structured and unstructured data.
BACK-END DEVELOPMENT : High scalability and performance. Node.js : Efficiency. Versatility Express.js : Simplified development process. Full-stack development. MULTER : Postman : Simplified API development
Dependencies of our project: Dependencies:-
bcryptjs: ^2.4.3,
ejs: ^3.1.9,
express: ^4.18.2,
hbs: ^4.2.0,
mongoose: ^6.2.1,
multer: ^1.4.5-lts.1
jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.1
For testing purpose, use these login credentials :
email: [email protected]
password: Tushar@123