This is an R package to facilitate conversion between different structures for simplicial complex data.
{interplex} is now on CRAN and can be installed as follows:
{interplex} includes converters between the following data structures:
- complete lists of simplices, used by the {TDA} package
- simplex tree instances of class 'Rcpp_SimplexTree', provided by the {simplextree} package
- simplex trees in Python GUDHI imported using the {reticulate} package
- objects of class 'igraph', provided by the {igraph} package
- objects of class 'network', provided by the {network} package
Coercion among the graph/network classes is done using methods from the {intergraph} package. Simplicial complexes are only directly coerced between the 'igraph' class.
Install the development version of {interplex} from GitHub as follows:
A future release should extend coercers from (unannotated) simplicial complexes to simplicial filtrations (in which simplices are annotated with real-values) and possibly arbitrary simplicial maps (with real-valued intervals).
Contributions in any form are more than welcome! See the CONTRIBUTING file for guidance, and please respect the Code of Conduct.
This package was designed and developed in part through discussions with Matt Piekenbrock and Raoul Wadhwa.
Development of this package benefitted from the use of equipment and the support of colleagues at UF Health.