To install Anaconda follow the instructions in this webpage
Create a conda environment for the PyBullet tutorial:
conda create --name pyb
Switch to the newly create environment (you will notice the name of the environment on the command line in the extreme left):
conda activate pyb
Then, clone the repository on your system:
git clone
Once in the desired environment install the following packages:
conda install nb_conda_kernels
Install PyBullet (while in the environment):
pip install pybullet
Install Matplotlib (while in the environment):
conda install matplotlib
To check the installation launch:
Inside the python environment import the pybullet and matplotlib libraries:
>> import pybullet
>> import matplotlib
If this command executes without any error then the installation is successful.
Check the Jupyter notebook by running the following command in the bash shell:
jupyter notebook
Kinematics of a serial-2R manipulator (notebook: kinematics.ipynb)
- Forward kinematics
- Inverse kinematics
- Verification of the FK and IK modules against each other .
Introduction to PyBullet (notebook: sim_env_setup.ipynb)
- How to start a PyBullet session
- Settings the simulation parameters in PyBullet
- Loading URDF files in PyBullet
Torque control of robot state in PyBullet (notebook: torque_control.ipynb)
- Obtaining joint information
- Setting the control mode (and enabling the motors)
- Control of joint torque
PID control of robot (notebook: torque_control.ipynb)
- Reading the joint state
- Determining the control action
- Setting the required control torque
Point-to-point tracking of end-effector (notebook: torque_control.ipynb)
- Obtaining the required joint angles to reach the desired end-effector position
- Simulating a PID position control loop to reach the desired end-effector position