Update for v0.14.0
feat: Add option to exclude comments and docstrings from collated code
feat: Add support for including/excluding comments and docstrings in code collation
fix: Add missing imports and definitions to resolve flake8 errors
feat: integrate functionality into code_collator/
test: Add logging and stderr capture to test_main
feat: Add comprehensive tests for Code Collator features
fix: Resolve flake8 errors in tests/
fix: Remove extra blank lines in tests/
fix: Remove unused and files
fix: Improve import structure in test file
fix: Rearrange imports to resolve flake8 errors
fix: Rearrange imports to resolve flake8 E402 errors
fix: Add comment to test file and use correct output file path in test_main
fix: Update test_main function to use correct output file path
fix: Improve comment handling in process_file_content function
fix: Remove comments and docstrings from processed file content
fix: Properly remove comments and docstrings when include_comments is False
fix: Remove comments from output when include_comments is set to False
fix: Update logging configuration to write to stdout instead of stderr
fix: Remove single-line comments from processed content
fix: Add parent directory to Python path in test file
test: Reorder imports and add missing imports
fix: Add parent directory to Python path in tests/
chore: Add E402 to flake8 ignore list
chore: Remove unused files
Merge pull request #28 from tawanda-kembo/feat/toggle-include-comments
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