Tradução da documentação para português brasileiro do framework web NestJS
- Introdução
- Visão Geral
- Fundamentals
- Provedores Customizados
- Provedores Assíncronos
- Módulos Dinâmicos
- Injection scopes
- Circular dependency
- Module reference
- Lazy-loading modules
- Execution context
- Lifecycle events
- Platform agnosticism
- Testing
- Techniques
- Configuration
- Database
- Mongo
- Validation
- Caching
- Serialization
- Versioning
- Task scheduling
- Queues
- Logging
- Cookies
- Events
- Compression
- File upload
- Streaming files
- HTTP module
- Session
- Model-View-Controller
- Performance (Fastify)
- Server-Sent Events
- Security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Encryption and Hashing
- Helmet
- CSRF Protection
- Rate limiting
- GraphQL
- Quick start
- Resolvers
- Mutations
- Subscriptions
- Scalars
- Directives
- Interfaces
- Unions and Enums
- Field middleware
- Mapped types
- Plugins
- Complexity
- Extensions
- CLI Plugin
- Generating SDL
- Sharing models
- Other features
- Federation
- Migration guide
- Websockets
- Gateways
- Exception filters
- Pipes
- Guards
- Interceptors
- Adapters
- Microservices
- Overview
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Kafka
- gRPC
- Custom transporters
- Exception filters
- Pipes
- Guards
- Interceptors
- Standalone Apps
- Overview
- Workspaces
- Libraries
- Usage
- Scripts
- OpenAPI
- Introduction
- Types and Parameters
- Operations
- Security
- Mapped Types
- Decorators
- CLI Plugin
- Other features
- Migration guide
- CRUD generator
- Hot reload
- MikroORM
- TypeORM
- Mongoose
- Sequelize
- Router module
- Swagger
- Health checks
- Compodoc
- Prisma
- Serve static
- Commander
- Async Local Storage
- Automock
- Serverless
- HTTP adapter
- Global path prefix
- Raw body
- Hybrid application
- HTTPS & multiple servers
- Request lifecycle
- Common errors
- Examples