A maximally-standard and familiar Alpine-based Linux distribution for M17, MMDVM, and SDR purposes. The goal is to make something enduring that can be maintained with less effort.
Building on Alpine Edge for now. Hoping to switch to a long term release later.
You could call this in development. It may be useful to you even now. The current audience is people with enough Linux experience to be comfortable on the command line. The intended eventual audience may be anyone with a hotspot or repeater, but we're a long way from there.
Forks of piM17 are expected and encouraged. piM17 is intended to be a solid base of tools and sane configuration to build the right thing.
- show how to start, restart services (the service files already exist!)
- add cronjob and instructions for m17hostsupdate
- easy way (tailscale?) to allow remote troubleshooting with a single command ideally
Standardization, common tooling, up to date software.
System packages >>> installing from source.
Minimal hacks.
Eminently hackable.
Please file issues with any issues you encounter, including with documentation.
Insufficient or incorrect documentation is a bug.
If you find an Alpine documentation page that is helpful, please link to it in the pim17 docs.
If you get stuck, say something.
By default the filesystems are quite small. This keeps the downloaded images a bit smaller (so as packages get added they may get larger).
You can easily expand the filesystem up to the partition size with resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
is the /
("root") partition. You can do this live while using
the filesystem (Mentioned only because you may have encountered other
resizing options in the past where that was not supported).
You can see partition sizes with fdisk -l
or lsblk
You can see partition free space with df -h
The /data
partition should be the correct and full size already, IIRC.
Doing this for /
can be automated but it's not a priority for me at
the moment. Pull requests encouraged!
You can use almost all the included tools on standard Alpine (docs TODO).
See the repo files in input/etc/apk/
for details for now.
more specifically, built with my fork of it:
You'll need docker. You need to make qemu
to register cross-arch support.
Everything builds in docker. Makefiles are where to start.
You must git clone the fork pim17_builder
to builder/
in this
directory. You must have the keys in packaging/ set up right to install
the custom packages.
Run make img
to run the builder. You'll find the images generated in output/.
Use the one for your architecture (armhf for pi0w and pi2, aarch64 for
pi3 or better). You can ignore the _update.img.
Flash the img to your SD card, standard raspberry pi image instructions just like pi-star or raspbian. You'll have to unzip the img first, of course.
You want 'armhf' for the pi0w and anything pi2 or below. You want aarch64 for pi3 and greater.
gunzip pim17_armhf_edge.img.gz
sudo dd if=pim17_armhf_edge.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4096 status=progress
Wait for it to finish. If you'll be using wifi, edit
on the first partition of the SD card with
your wifi credentials in standard wpa_supplicant
format. Only DHCP
is supported by default, sorry, but it's standard Alpine Linux so it's
easy to change
if you need to.
I think ethernet is set to DHCP by default but I'd have to check.
(See also "Warnings" up above).
To log in, ssh root@pim17
, password is m17project
. Make sure to change
that, copy SSH keys over, etc. doas or sudo are your own problem for
now but I do intend to add a non-root user with doas support eventually.
To install packages, it's standard alpine linux. See packaging/ for custom packages until they get broken out into their own repos.
You'll have to mount -o remount,rw /
to remount the root partition
read-write to change settings. /data
is rw by default and many things in
/etc/ have a symlink to /data. This should make a system reasonably safe
against power loss while still allowing easy config file editing and such.
I'd prefer an overlay file system but don't remember why I didn't do that to begin with. Not sure I tried, but we should look into that!
To update the list of packages (do early and often):
apk update
To install a package:
apk add
To upgrade the system ('ware disk space!! And be extra sure / and /boot are mounted rw!):
apk upgrade
Important (nonstandard) packages:
mmdvm_firmware_bin: A limited set of organized, precompiled firmware images for common MMDVM modems.
mmdvm_easyflash: Allows you to 'python -m mmdvm_easyflash' to upgrade firmware on modems supported by mmdvm_firmware_bin.
m17gateway, mmdvmcal, mmdvmhost: Packaged M17/MMDVM binaries and sample configs as necessary. Check /data/etc for the configs. Might only support M17 to start, more to come if there's demand.
Short form is that dropbear is currently handling ssh and you want to replace it with openssh/sshd.
Note that you should edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to allow root logins yes
instead of without-password
OR add your SSH keys before continuing, lest you be locked out, requiring manual SD card intervention.
apk add openssh
rc-update add sshd
rc-update del dropbear
/etc/init.d/dropbear stop
/etc/init.d/sshd start
Make sure /
is resized and currently rw. Or you can do the following:
cd /var/lib; ln -s /data/var/lib/docker
cd /var/; mkdir /data/var/log; ln -s /data/var/log
To add it:
apk add docker docker-compose
rc-update add docker
/etc/init.d/docker start
docker ps -a
to make sure it's working.
Edit /etc/fstab and change the ro
to rw
for / and /boot.
Edit /boot/cmdline.txt and remove the ro
(I think).
You're done!
- [] MMDVM package, MMDVM_HS package renamed to account for that.
- [] make hostnames unique - pim17-XXXXXX maybe from last three octets of mac address?
- [] auto calibration of hotspot? with a known-good rtl-sdr, the good ones have excellent clocks
✔ - need gcc,binutils,newlib-arm-none-eabi
master branch, make dvm
boot while shorting JP1 (a reboot is not sufficient, all power must be removed)
make deploy-dvm
- ✔ disable console=serial0,115200 in /uboot/cmdline.txt
- ✔ add dtoverlay=disable-bt in /uboot/config.txt
lonestar - mmdvm_hs_hat equivalent - for sure? need to test M17 mode first
stm32-dvm - make dvm
M17Gateway - hostupdate script needs to have paths set TXInvert required for mmdvmhost
Ideas: automatic HDMI output https://github.com/sqshq/sampler
80% solution: Minimal html page with buttons that can call tiny CGI script to restart services. Web-based file manager/editor for people unwilling to CLI.
- https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager probably needs to be edited to whitelist specific files. THat's fine! MMDVM read-only dashboard.
- https://github.com/do6uk/mmdvmdash
- https://github.com/dg9vh/MMDVMHost-Dashboard
- https://github.com/dg9vh/MMDVMHost-Websocketboard
or much better, w0chp's dash: https://repo.w0chp.net/Chipster/W0CHP-PiStar-Dash
* caddy caddy-openrc
* rtl-sdr librtlsdr-dev
* python3
* pym17
* docker, docker-compose
make sure space on disk!
service docker start
rc-update add docker default
docker itself doesn't run when /var/ is a read-only filesystem!!!
* openwebrx on docker - easy!
docker volume create openwebrx-settings
docker run --device /dev/bus/usb -p 8073:8073 --name openwebrx -v openwebrx-settings:/var/lib/openwebrx --tmpfs=/tmp/openwebrx jketterl/openwebrx:stable
docker exec -it confident_lamport python3 /opt/openwebrx/openwebrx.py admin adduser admin
kinda slow on pi3, probably not worth it by default.
add later:
* partition is jsut barely big enough
make sure to
mount -o remount,rw /
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p3
on first boot
- CLI auto-run: https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Run_software_on_tty1_console_instead_of_login_getty.html
✔ USB Serial cdc_acm device doesn't work (fix: Include all modules)
✔ Wifi doesn't start on boot - device isn't ready in time (fix: disable networking init script on boot)
✔ Wifi has hardcoded credentials ... (now pulls from /boot on boot!)
can't emulate, have to flash a real pi https://azeria-labs.com/emulate-raspberry-pi-with-qemu/ qemu-system-arm -M vexpress-a9 -kernel zImage -initrd initramfs-grsec -dtb vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb -hda hda.img -serial stdio
✔ couldn't get dtoverlay disable-bt to boot, appears to be uboot's fault. so i fucking removed all the uboot shit lol!
lonestar boards didn't take M17 firmware? or what? greencase one has a different firmware so they must not have flashed correctly
the clear case one definitely took correctly, reflashed with a custom version text which was part of the problem (stock version texts, non-updated version date, etc)
- ✔ builder ab_active and ab_flash don't always work? with no error messages, either
- ✔ ab_active shows currently booted but doesn't tell you what's going to boot next
- couldn't build armhf ... kernel_packages wasnt being set, which was because arch wasn't being read correctly somehow. Suddenly started working and don't know why but related to srcme file and ARCH variable.
- ✔ uboot doesn't work with dtoverlay, removed uboot