In this repository, you can create kubernetes cluster using only terraform apply
in AWS.
$ docker run -it graykode/aws-kubeadm-terraform:0.3 /bin/bash
Export your own AWS Access / Secret keys
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your Access Key in AWS>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Your Access Key in Secret>
Generate your SSH key pair for aws_key_pair
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f tf-kube
Create your k8stoken
$ python -c 'import random; print "%0x.%0x" % (random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(3*8), random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(8*8))'
> ebd70e.ad84c12d14ee5dae
Initialize terraform
$ terraform init
Create all objects in AWS and put k8s token before you created! It's Done.
$ terraform apply
Enter a value: ebd70e.ad84c12d14ee5dae
Check if k8s Cluster is created.
$ ssh -i tf-kube ubuntu@server-ip
ubuntu@ip-10-43-0-40:~$ kubectl get nodes
ip-10-43-0-30.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready <none> 3m40s v1.15.0
ip-10-43-0-40.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready master 4m4s v1.15.0
If you want to delete all cluster, type this.
$ terraform destroy
$ tail -f /home/ubuntu/master.log # in master node
$ tail -f /home/ubuntu/worker.log # in worker node
$ tail -f /home/ubuntu/etcd.log # in etcd node
3. Set
- Set EC2 instance_type
variable etcd_instance_type {
default = "t2.medium"
variable controller_instance_type {
default = "t2.medium"
variable worker_instance_type {
default = "t2.medium"
- Set Number of EC2 Node
variable number_of_etcd{
description = "The number of etcd, only acts as etcd"
default = 0
variable number_of_worker{
description = "The number of worker nodes"
default = 1
If you meet error validating provider credentials
Error, Please check that your IAM key is activate.
- Set up a High Availability etcd cluster with kubeadm
- Add k8s master node ingress, ingress-controller with ELB
- Reference : alicek106/aws-terraform-kubernetes, cablespaghetti/kubeadm-aws
- Tae Hwan Jung(Jeff Jung) @graykode
- Author Email : [email protected]